How to never get angry or bothered by people??

Do we need to live a life where we constantly seek the approval of others, even if it means sacrificing our happiness?

wisdom Canvas
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Maxime Gauthier on Unsplash

Did I overreact? Was I harsh with my response? would they understand what I meant? My parents are not pleased with me. Why am I so dumb? I think I pissed him off….

I’m sure that these thoughts run through all of our minds.

I was certainly a victim of them. These relentless thoughts made me anxious, restless, and insecure. At one point I used to fear a random interaction with anyone.

I was seeking perfectionism which can never be achieved. Perfectionism is like chasing a mirage in the desert - it’s always just out of reach.

We can not please everyone, no matter how hard we try.

There will always be someone who disagrees with us, one way or another.

I strongly believe we all live in our own perspectives.

Our perspectives are generally formed with our past and present experiences in life.

Our belief system and core values add to it as well.

It’s an indisputable fact that no two individuals share the same perspectives. Hence, it’s impossible to…



wisdom Canvas
Wake. Write. Win.

Its a canvas that I paint with every bit of wisdom I gain !! I'm a mom of two beautiful girls writing through my passion of figuring out life :)