Chinedu V. Onyema
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2024




Instead of costly fights, let us make it comic flights

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

When Mohammed Ali showed up in a restaurant in “Barcelona92" Olympics, one of the attendants screamed, “Nigger!”

Guess his response: “I don’t eat them.”

My question, “Were those part of what they served there?”

Imagine Ali had dropped a moderately mild upper left hook on someone’s jaw …? (Your good will be as guess as mine. 🤣🙆😱)


In those days, some men were unimaginably shy. According to traditions, any sort of wine presented to people must be consumed — whether for good or bad.

Incidentally, one shy guy brought some containers of drinks to a certain African family. The folks were all ears, as usual. He could not state his mission immediately … and the folks were busy helping themselves naturally ...

Before you could say “surprise”, another guy had landed with another sets of drinks. Trust the voraciousDrinkards”, they simply moved to the latest camp.

Midway into the second informal party, the young man spoke up: “I am here to ask for the hand of your daughter in marriage.” (Deafening silence filled the ambience.)

Meanwhile at that point, the first guy managed to summon the courage to state: “That is why I am here.”

The family responded, “You should have told us since. This is the man we know.”


In a related incident, for the records: African dogs resident in Africa can be hungry, why not? The reasons are not farfetched. {If humans are starving, how much more common, ordinary animals?}

So, a certain shy but hungry man went to his in-laws. He was both historically and hysterically famished but there was no way he could tell his parent-in-laws.

He was served the traditional kola nuts but those weren’t food, man.

But there must be a way.

He looked for the sleepy dog by the corner of the chair, at the corner of the room and gave him the slap of his life through the corner of his arm.

The dog cried helplessly and the father-in-law retorted: “What’s the matter, Young Man?”

“Don’t mind this silly, hungry dog, he wants to eat the food that will be given to me.”🙆🥱

The man rushed into the inner chamber and communed with his wife. “This guy is apparently hungry, can you serve him some food?”




I once stumbled unto a publication and there were some American proverbs. Didn’t know Americans have proverbs (no disrespect please).


  • Each minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. (Didn’t quite reckon with that.)
  • If you run, you may win. If you do not run, you have lost already. (True, it is afterall.)


In one of the most interesting comedies I have ever seen, entitled: “The Fighting Temptation”, someone successfully amended the Ten Commandments by adding the Eleventh: “Thou shalt not get caught.”


In these following expressions, answer correctly and honestly:

“He tossed on a sleepless bed.”

Who was sleepless: the bed or the sleeper?

“He drove on a careless road.”

Who was careless: the road or the driver?


“Don’t Mess With Texas” is a message I have seen for a while.

Yet Texas records one of the highest traffic of immigrants on foot.

Yours truly hasn’t joined yet because I couldn’t trek such a distance. Perhaps, one has to be high on something which I wouldn’t

But … just imagine someone messes with Texas: possibly, maybe, perhaps the population of the “asylum seekerswould have surpassed those of Texas and California combined. [The native indigenes wouldn’t find it funny.]


Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

By my standards, if you couldn’t smile, chuckle or laugh: see your doctor. You could equally call me but I’m no doctor. Better still, send me a mail:

Before the year runs out, you must see my response. This is not a typical African-political-campaign promise. (So, you can take it to the bank — even the one you have no accounts with …)🤣🤭

Thanks for reading.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Wake. Write. Win.

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."