I Failed My New Year's Resolution

How to move on from failure?

Oliver Lövström
Wake. Write. Win.


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On New Year’s Eve of 2023, I decided on my New Year’s resolution for 2024. Only three months into the year, I failed. How can I move on?

Photo by Getty Images on Unsplash

Let me take you back in time: it’s New Year’s Eve, we’re celebrating, and I ask myself, how can I make 2024 as great as possible?

The Plan

I come up with a simple plan:

  • Complete one challenge per day
  • Each new month, I have to find a new challenge

The first two months were easy!

  • January: 100 pushups/day
  • February: 1 Medium post/day

But March has not been so simple… At the beginning of the month, I decided to create a data science portfolio. After the first few days, I failed.


I didn’t clearly define the challenge. January and February were a breeze since I defined it in simple terms: I have to complete one thing per day. But for March, the goal wasn’t specific enough. I would put off the work to work on other projects.

The most important lesson:

  • Start with a goal in mind.

