The Horrors of Infibulation

I just found out what Infibulation is and it's Sickening

A Devastating Practice

Navan meyer
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

What is Infibulation: A Grave Concern

Infibulation, often referred to as Type III female genital mutilation (FGM), is a harrowing practice involving the modification of female genitalia.

This procedure, which typically involves the removal of the external genitalia cutting out of the clitoris and labia minora, followed by the stitching of the remaining tissue and the stitching of the vaginal opening. It is predominantly performed in certain regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

Despite international efforts to eradicate this practice, it continues to be practiced due to deeply entrenched cultural traditions and social pressures.

Historical Context and Cultural Significance

The origins of infibulation are shrouded in antiquity, with evidence suggesting its practice dates back thousands of years.

This ritual has been perpetuated through generations, often justified by notions of purity, modesty, and suitability for marriage. In many communities, infibulation is seen as a rite of passage for young girls, marking their transition into womanhood.

The belief that this practice ensures chastity and preserves family honor further complicates efforts to eliminate it.

The Procedure: A Disturbing Reality

“I screamed for help and tried to free myself but I was not strong. They held me down and put a cover over my mouth so I could not scream… I wanted to die.”

tells a Sudanese woman

The process of infibulation is often carried out under non-medical conditions, typically by traditional practitioners with basic tools and no anesthesia.

The procedure involves the cutting out of the clitoris and labia minora, followed by the stitching of the remaining tissue to create a small vaginal opening. This opening is often just large enough to allow for the passage of urine and menstrual blood, leading to numerous health complications.

Immediate and Long-Term Health Consequences

Image by National library of medicine

The immediate aftermath of infibulation can include severe pain, excessive bleeding, and infection. The lack of sterile conditions heightens the risk of tetanus and septicemia, both of which can be fatal.

In the long term, women who have undergone infibulation often face chronic pain, recurrent urinary tract infections, and complications during childbirth.

The infibulated scar tissue must frequently be cut open to facilitate sexual intercourse or childbirth, further exacerbating the physical and psychological trauma.

Psychological Impact and Human Rights Violations

Beyond the physical repercussions, infibulation inflicts profound psychological damage.

Women and girls subjected to this practice often experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and a diminished sense of self-worth.

The practice of infibulation is a clear violation of human rights, as it infringes upon the right to health, security, and bodily integrity.

International organizations, including the United Nations and World Health Organization, have unequivocally condemned the practice, advocating for its global abolition.

Global Efforts and Legal Frameworks

Efforts to combat infibulation have seen the implementation of various international and national legal frameworks.

The United Nations has spearheaded numerous initiatives, including the adoption of Resolution A/RES/67/146, which calls for the elimination of female genital mutilation. Many countries have enacted laws criminalizing the practice, although enforcement remains a significant challenge.

Grassroots organizations and activists play a crucial role in education and advocacy, striving to change perceptions and provide support to affected women and communities.

Education and Community Engagement: Key to Eradication

Image by National library of medicine

Eradicating infibulation requires a multifaceted approach that includes education, community engagement, and empowerment.

Educating communities about the health risks and human rights violations associated with infibulation is paramount. By engaging with community leaders, religious figures, and educators, we can foster a shift in attitudes and practices.

Empowering women through education and economic opportunities also plays a critical role in diminishing the perceived need for infibulation as a prerequisite for marriage and social acceptance.

Support and Rehabilitation for Survivors

“I was only 10 or 11 years old, when my father decided to circumcise me. I was to become the fifth wife to a 70-year-old man. I talked to my class teacher and she informed the police chief. Just two hours before the cutting ceremony, the police came and took me away” Oiyie was the first girl in her village to say no to FGM.

Providing support and rehabilitation for survivors of infibulation is essential in addressing the long-term effects of the practice. Medical interventions, including reconstructive surgery, can alleviate some of the physical damage.

Psychological counseling and support groups are vital in helping survivors cope with the emotional and mental aftermath.

Organizations dedicated to assisting survivors offer a lifeline, helping them to reclaim their lives and advocate for the abolition of infibulation.

Case Studies: Success Stories and Ongoing Challenges

“What I believe is, if (the clitoris) wasn’t necessary, God wouldn’t have put it there,” said Rahel Musa Aron

Several case studies highlight the successes and ongoing challenges in the fight against infibulation.

In Kenya, the Maasai community has seen significant reductions in FGM rates due to concerted efforts by activists and educators.

However, in regions like Sudan and Somalia, deeply ingrained cultural practices and resistance to change continue to pose significant obstacles.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial in tailoring interventions to each unique context.

The Role of Men and Boys in Ending Infibulation

“I do not want that others lose their sister or their daughters whom they love, in this terrible way, like a lovely flower that was destroyed for no reason at all.”

says a West African man who lost his sister

Engaging men and boys in the campaign against infibulation is critical.

As key decision-makers and influencers within many communities, their support can significantly impact the abandonment of the practice.

Education programs that target men and boys, highlighting the detrimental effects of infibulation and promoting gender equality, are essential in changing perceptions and fostering supportive environments for women and girls.

Looking Forward: A Call to Action

The path to eradicating infibulation is filled with challenges, yet the global movement towards its abolition is gaining momentum.

Continued advocacy, education, and support for affected communities are very important. By working together, we can eliminate this harmful practice and ensure that future generations of women and girls can live free from the fear and pain of infibulation.



Navan meyer
Wake. Write. Win.

Hey there, I'm Navan—a spirited individual on a mission to embrace every moment and squeeze the absolute most out of life.