Identify Your Values to Live a Fulfilled Life

Dr. Shalini Garg
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2024

Values are the pillars that takes you far in the life, so prioritise your values and align with them,,

Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

Do you often feel unfulfilled despite seemingly doing everything but not able to make out?

You might find yourself trapped in a patterned life, whether it’s the routine of a nine-to-five job or some business that you are doing just for the sake of it without any joy or excitement.

If it’s so, than you are not alone as it’s a common experience for majority of people and the reason is misalignment with the values.

So, what exactly are values, and how can you identify them?

Values are the guiding principles that reflects your true selves – the essence of who you are, shaping your actions and defining your purpose.

When aligned with your true values, you operate in an effortless manner and achieve success and fulfillment. In contrast, borrowed leads to a sense of monotony and burden as they are imposed by the society, family, or cultural norms .

Unfortunately, many people either struggle to identify their true values or fail to prioritise them in their lives while some might lack the support to pursue them. Instead, they function as per the borrowed values because of the societal norms or conditioning, or because of the fear of missing out (FOMO) making them become a part of the race in which every second person is running without knowing the destination.

They stay away from their natural instincts, opting for careers or paths that don’t align with their passions or true calling.

Recognising your true values is essential for unlocking the potential and finding true happiness. It’s about identifying those activities or passions that makes you alive, whether it’s painting, singing, dancing, writing, or any other pursuit that ignites your spirit. When you align your actions with your true values, life feels vibrant and meaningful.

However, when you conform to borrowed values – those imposed upon you by society or others –you often find yourselves feeling drained and uninspired.

History is filled with examples of individuals who achieved greatness by following their true values.

Sachin Tendulkar’s passion for cricket got him all name, fame, money and a celebrity status. At a very young age he recognised his values and worked in the direction of his values by dedicating himself completely to the game by practicing consistently and refining his skills. As a result he is an icon in cricket industry inspiring millions.

Michael Jackson, the legendary King of Pop, was innately drawn to dance. Dance was more than just a profession for him – it was a part of his soul, his highest value. His natural talent, coupled with relentless practice and artistic innovation, revolutionized the world of music and dance, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture.

Vincent van Gogh, despite facing numerous struggles and financial hardships, remained steadfast in his passion for painting. His art was not just a means of livelihood but a profound expression of his values getting him recognition and fame globally.

Thomas Edison, despite facing countless setbacks and failures, remained undeterred, because innovation and invention for a brighter future was his vision and high in his values. Since he was aligned with his values his perseverance paid off with the discovery of light bulb, illuminating the whole world and transforming the course of history.

In each of these stories, we see a profound impact of honoring one’s passions and values. These individuals were not motivated solely by external rewards or recognition but by a deep-seated commitment to their craft and a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Even in the face of challenges, their dedication and commitment to their craft propelled them to success.

Their journeys remind us that true success is not measured solely by accolades or achievements but by the fulfillment that comes from living a life aligned with one’s deepest values and aspirations.

When you invest your time, energy, and focus into what truly matters to you, success becomes a natural byproduct. So, if you find joy in something, pursue it wholeheartedly, without succumbing to external pressures or validations.

Dare to be yourself, listen to your inner voice, and have the courage to chart your own course. Ultimately, the only acceptance that truly matters is your own.

Remember, just as every fingerprint is unique, so too is your value system. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as it leads you on a journey of self-discovery and unparalleled fulfillment.



Dr. Shalini Garg
Wake. Write. Win.

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.