It’s International Hug Your Lizard Day!

Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2024


(Developed with Gencraft)

We all have a lizard.

More specifically, we all have a ‘lizard brain’.

It’s hidden deep down inside our skulls. It’s the part of our brain that tells us when to feel scared, or when to run.

Fight, flight or freeze.

It has spent centuries protecting humans. Back at the very start of things, it prevented us from standing there like idiots when a bear walked up to our cave.

It saved our lives, many times.

Every time we faced physical danger, from fires to bears to earthquakes, it would jolt us, tell us we had to haul a## out of there.

That part of our brain has been there for centuries, and it has served us well.

However, the lizard brain, while being perfectly competent at saving us from big scary bears, can be a major problem in the modern age.

That’s because, thankfully, most of us are not exposed to physcial danger on a regular basis. Most of us are lucky in that respect.

This makes the lizard brain a bit of a burden, as it continues to register certain situations as dangerous, when in fact they are not.



Wake. Write. Win.

Here to help you wake up, smell the gasoline, and help others with your experience.