I’ve Joined my Friend on a 90 Day Medium Challenge

Are we going to blow up on Medium?

Janis Gross
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readFeb 17, 2024


Photo from Canva

How long does it take to blow up on Medium?

That’s what my friend The Lion the Bunny and the Bear has been wondering.

To find an answer to this question, he has created a 90 day challenge he will take on, for anyone to join.

Check out his original story:

And since I’ve been passionate about Medium and determined to write daily anyway, I couldn’t see any other way but to join him.

What’s the challenge?

Engagement is one of the most important things on Medium, what sets it apart from other platforms, and what will set you apart from other writers.

The challenge is to engage deeply and mindfully with at least 10 other stories, every time before publishing.

That means, reading and taking the time to understand the story, highlighting the main takeaways, clapping, and leaving meaningful comments.

And all this genuinely.

This way you will create real connections, build a community around you, and gain true, loyal followers who will care about what you have to say.

I’ll add something to this

He didn’t mention this in his story, but I will also stay committed to writing and publishing a story every single day during these 90 days.

This way, I’ll also utilize the power of consistency (which Sania Haroon talks about here) and follow Derek Hughesadvice to increase story volume.

Where I’m at right now

Here are my stats for reference throughout the challenge:

Followers: 193
Email Subscribers: 6

Published stories and comments
Views and reads
Earnings; Screenshots by author

I’m excited to see where this will go!

Want to join us? Read the original story by my friend here.

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

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