Learning From Infinity

Overcomplication or Extrapolation on Life’s “Simple Lessons”?

Jose Alexander Davila
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Alexander Sinn (Unsplash)

Infinite Significances

You have to believe that everything you do, down to the last infinitesimal finger wag, matters in the grand scheme of it all.

Thoughts, memories, and actions burn like wildfires in the all-encompassing ether of some eternal existence.

Observe this all as some incomprehensible and insane system born of a binary nature.

Ones and zeros, with the ever-looming possibility of an invisible third digit, blink in and out of an observable sense. There’s some deep-rooted wonder that festers in at the very core of who you call yourself “you”.

“You” never fray from the still and constant questioning.

It sticks in you so much there is a real possibility that you will never possess some almighty answer that would satiate it all.

You’ve often wondered forever if you could even tolerate a world in which you’d be free of mystery all the time…

Egor Myznik (Unsplash)

Tired Deities

Notions of bored gods and restless overseers cluster your stricken thoughts.

Imagine a state in which “pure enlightenment” actually took hold of you.

Would that be enough for you?

Do you honestly believe that it all would be put to rest and no questions would remain?

All challenges would be completed. All goals would have been reached.

My god, no!

It may sound nice on the surface, but you would soon realize how grotesque such an existence would be. The boredom would creep in so quickly!

You’d bask in the fleeting satisfaction of pleasing yourself and others, but my god, how that would all fall by the wayside so quickly.

A deep and recurring question would begin to form itself:

What next?

What new challenge or trial awaits you?

Surely the work is never finished. Trust me, you would never want it to be.

You call them breaks or breaths. You come up for air every once in a while.

Eternal bliss is a pipe dream at best.

I tried it. I didn’t last long.

A sort of “beckoning” reached out to me in such a vigorous way that I was forced to reach my hand back and give in to forces that were completely free of my own volition.

And you know what?

I didn’t even have to necessarily “like it”, but I sure as hell welcomed it with more regard than ever before.

It was the better of two options.

Serhat Beyazkaya (Unsplash)

Cycles and Resolutions

You took hold of some reigns all over again. You gained some sense of control over yourself.

I hate overused quotations!

Okay fine…

“You got back on the proverbial horse.”


It’s too simple, but alright, I’ll take it.

There are these ridiculous and sometimes incomprehensible cycles that take hold of you throughout your life.

It’s difficult to explain how or why these cycles even take place in the way that they do.

You inevitably must go through these trials in order to gain some sort of semblance on how to carry yourself moving forward.

It’s bittersweet.

Like sure, I feel stronger and prouder for having endured the challenges I did, but now I live with the knowledge that new ones surely await me.

Learn and retain as much as possible, and do your darndest to break free of old habits and not repeat gross history.

It’s a tall task, but you inherently know how vital it all is to living something you would consider to be a “fruitful life”.

Just be able to say, “I learned something, and I’m all the better for it”.

Your future self will surely thank you for overcoming everything you have.

Thanks to All who actually made it this far…

Keep on going with all that you do!




Jose Alexander Davila
Wake. Write. Win.

Let's get lost down some rabbit holes together and explore this weird world through a jumbled mess of words we can cling to!