Am I really making a difference?

Damola Nelson
Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readApr 29, 2024


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Heard about this writing contest from Janis Gross after she added me to a list on March 28th.

This means I’ve had the whole of April to come up with how I’m supposedly “making this world a better place” but I’ve got absolutely nothing so far. I don’t consider myself a bad person who’s actively making the world unbearable for others (maybe that counts for something? I don’t know) but there’s never been a sense of urgency or perhaps, necessity to make the world better.

I began to envy others’ posts seeing how much impact they’ve made on the world and on people’s lives. “How could I compete with all this” I thought. I even thought of conjuring up a lie and tagging it as “fiction”, that was how desperate I was to seem like someone who was actively making a difference.

But here's my truth; I'm just trying to figure out life while making it better for my family and me, and if I end up making the world a better place, then so be it.

Maybe never having committed a crime counts for something, maybe making random babies smile by making funny faces on the bus counts, maybe preaching the gospel counts, maybe advising a friend with addiction counts but it's never felt like an active decision on my part to make the world a better place.

Perhaps, this is a call to action for me to do better, be better, live better and actively make this world a better place.



Damola Nelson
Wake. Write. Win.

I like to give good warm advices and share relatable pieces about my daily life.