Can I Make A Proposal, Dear Medium?

This is to propose for the declaration of a day of harmless tags and mentions

Chinedu V. Onyema
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash

Recently, the Creator and Editor of the Wake. Write. Win Publication, Janis Gross did state that he would no longer tag/mention writers on the platform so as to avoid the Medium sanctions. His submission was also striking.

Just like the few days I have witnessed so far: one was the writers’/editors’ ‘on-site’ and online meeting and the second was the recent DraftDay2024 — where Medians actually had some special celebrations, kind of … Could a day be declared harm-free tag-cum-mention day? That is the idea.

This would legally enable members of the Medium community to freely mention their favourite writers or editors without fear of the big hammer.


This should be a special day wherein you could tag a maximum of ten writers (for example) and state clearly what you observed (wrongly or rightly) about them.

This proposal, I believe, would go a long way to strengthen the bond in the community.

Further Clarification

Such Special Day and matters arising, of course, should end on that day and the Medium’s regular rules take preeminence. Neither the writer nor the mentioned should feel targeted nor embarrassed.

I believe this would bring about an unprecedented excitement and joy in the Medium community. It would also go a long way to bring about more readers-cum-writers mutual understanding, love and true commitment to one another and their works.


Of course, the technicalities and modalities will be worked out by the Medium Content Development Committee (‘CDC’), if any. This is to ensure that utmost responsibility is maintained and abuse eliminated, or at least minimized.

This is necessary because in the absence of rules, lawlessness becomes legal. The boundaries, naturally, will be spelt out.

Why this Proposal

Monotony is the killer of creativity and development. Boredom is inherently inevitable in doing something in a continuously regimented manner.


This is a humble proposal which I think should go a long way to uniting and reuniting the members of this great community in an unprecedentedly positive way. You never can tell, hence: “The impossible is often the untried.”

Thanks for reading.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Wake. Write. Win.

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."