The eyes have it.

My Dog’s Eyes

There’s an innocence in my dog’s eyes.

Tony Pretlow
Published in
Mar 5, 2022


There’s an innocence in my dog’s eyes.

No pretence.

No eyebrows to raise in doubt.

There’s a passion in my dog’s eyes.

No wounded-pet lies to conceal.

No guise to veil.

There’s trust in my dog’s eyes.

No fear of reprisal.

No cross to bare.

There’s an eagerness in my dog’s eyes.

No doubts about his next meal.

No rub that doesn’t bring satisfaction.

I’ve seen these things in too few eyes.

But I remember each time I did.



Tony Pretlow
Wake. Write. Win.

Passionate. Dedicated reader and commenter. Occasional writer. I enjoy writing poems that rhyme. Father of five. Happily married/retired. Northwestern U. Alum