Having Been There
I’ve had coffee in Kona
and Mai Tais in Kuaui.
Laid on black sands in Mexico,
was in Lake Tahoe in July.
I’ve lived on both oceans, with
Lake Michigan in between.
The pizza in Chicago is the best I’ve ever eaten.
I’ve driven this country from east to west in a car with no AC.
Seen sunsets in Salzburg,
Sat in cafes in Paree.
I lived in Sausalito. Hiked under the Golden Gate Bridge.
Had mud baths in Calistoga and watched too many fires get big.
I’ve been camping at Yosemite
and toured castles in Vienna.
I’ve been skiing at Alpine, when
I was just a beginner.
I was not good at taking photos of the places I have been.
I’m better known for stories that have a rhyme now and then.
My tales are many. Too many to tell it seems.
Some of the memories have been lost between marital regimes.
There were more destinations. Some I do not recall, but
those involving islands were the very best of all.
Travel while you are young. It takes energy and good health. Enjoy your youth. It lasts a short time.