My Journey of Diet Experiments— A Story

My experimenting with various diets to find the right combo started 2 years ago. Here’s your silly, daily story.

Eray Hayrettin Özer
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readFeb 15, 2024




For most of my life, honestly like anything, i thought of it as another buzzword : No different than words like “crypto”, “metaverse”, “AI” — just a bunch of words to make you look cool.

It started to hit me up after around the end of my 14 and turn of 15: I thought “Hey, maybe this thing actually hurts me?” I was trying to link some connections betweeen what I was eating and the quality of my life. “Maybe, if I improve it, somehow, everything in my life will boost up?”

Of course that doesn’t work like that. But, hey ho, we’re still making some progress, right?

Looking for Help

I started scrolling through YouTube. At the time, it was the holy mackerel of life for me — a super super cool magical device that could provide you with anything you’re searching for.

Eventually, I encountered a channel that made sense. A channel I could accept as an authority to put an to this suffer I was “supposedly” having by deciding to eat the wrong stuff. The owner was a MD guy equipped with a PhD — but, like, not a professor.

He was advocating this choice of diet that, according to his statements, would boost your life by 5x, 10x, and so on. One of the main principles of the diet was to keep all this clear and concise. I was able to link my core values/self-value/self-realization/whatever you’d like to call with it. It’s name was “Ketogenic Diet”.

Theory into Practice

School was a big obstacle in front of me applying the diet. I couldn’t snitch some days off to experiment stuff I’ve seen on the internet/YouTube — according to my parents. So I followed what the experts suggest: Leave the experiments for the weekends.

The diet was a mental, physical, and social boost for me. It was the one element I felt like I was missing my entire life. Although the promising boost didn’t come through as expected, because my weekdays were still full, it was enough for me to understand the scale wholly — both with my mind and body.

Even though up until this point I didn’t sustain that diet in a consistent fashion, it showed me that even by not eating an apple, or banana, consistently, I could reshape the quality and build up the life I’d want to live.


Now, It’s been around 2 years since all these. I am still experimenting in safe grounds — inside a well-layered home, whereas we got a nice, lovely, and free kitchen to do all things mad.

Experimenting is fun, not only is it a great indicator that your learning is going on, but it also gives you more room to think openly. So I experimented then on, still do now and then.

