My Ultimate Quest For a Life-Changing Superpower

Tshiamo Seanego
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2024

A writer who wants to become an valuable asset

Photo by Erik Odiin on Unsplash

There are so many superpowers an introverted guy like me could wish to have. The short sighted me would choose invisibility powers. But the wise me would disagree. How does having that kind of superpower help other people?

So I had to settle for this one. I just had to.

The superpower i would love to have is:

The power of universal understanding.

i want to compel every person to understand that people have different perspectives, beliefs, experiences and emotions. To deny anyone the chance to express themselves would be the most wicked thing to do.

There’s so much sadness in the world and it’s hard to ignore it.

People are not nice to each other.

The elected leaders of our world who are given the responsibility to conserve lives are the one taking lives. On a scale of 1–10 how sad is that? To be human used to be a privilege. Now we’ve normalized bombing innocent lives. As if the 2019 pandemic was not enough to end all of us.

Tech creators are slowly and surely destroying our lives with their inventions. Our human nature elements are intentionally forgotten all in the name of change. Change is toxic sometimes. The sad thing is that there is nothing more we can do about it. One man is capable of leading an entire nation into a simulation.

Social media is constantly overfeeding us with dopamine induced content and we’re silently paying the price. It would have been okay if we knew how to control hunger for pleasure. We are raising a depressed generation that has become too vulnerable to the hardships of life. We need God now more than ever.

You don’t need glasses to see that the world has grown bitter and less friendly to live in.

The brutal truth is, if you have money, power and a cult following, you can get away with anything. You can manipulate masses of people to turn against each other. You can be a game master. You can decide to play the game of life whichever way you want. Fair or Dirty play. It’s your choice.

I have a hard time sleeping at night when I think about how death is actually real. I may not get the chance to exercise my superpowers. That would be a shame because I am actually looking forward to making a change in this wretched world.

Out of all the superpowers in the world, helping people love other people is the best power. No superpower can come close to this. Not even Clark Kent’s superpowers.

There’s a reason why writing is my number 1 skill to learn. I would recommend it to anyone believes they have something to say.

And i don’t want to be another writer.

I want to be that influential writer.

The one who gives hope and strength to millions of strangers on the internet.

I want my words to relieve suffering and heal the soul. I get so emotional and excited at the same time when someone reads one of my articles and leaves comments like these ones:

“ Thank you for sharing, this is what i needed to hear today ”

“ Your story is so inspiring. Excited for what you write next ”

Producing life-changing content is my biggest goal. I believe a happy writer = A happy reader.

Writing for me goes way more than using fancy words or getting massive recognition. I am a writer and I come from a landlocked country in Southern Africa. Botswana if you really want to know.

Life is hard on my side. Unemployment, excessive heat, loneliness, stress and anxiety, corrupt government etc. The good thing is that I’m alive and still fighting.

Life is hard everywhere. We all have similar problems that have no boundaries. The real flex is knowing that as a writer you can change someone else’s life without having to meet them physically. There's a thing called the internet and you can get your message across the world with ease. And that ladies and gentleman is the power of writing.

Writing has helped me see the little parts of my life that are worth celebrating.

Writing has helped me view the world differently.

Writing has helped me become a better man, a better brother, a better son and a better human.

I actually care about the wellbeing of the reader because I was once a disturbed reader. I was saved by a writer and as a writer i will save somebody as well.

For as long as I am a writer I will always empty my honest feelings on the paper. I am a pen warrior and the blank page is my battle ground.

I am making the world a better place by being a better writer.

This story is participating in the writing contest “Write For A Better World” by Wake. Write. Win.*

