Pavan kumar
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2024

choose to be happy now

A happy me . Photo by Rummieji

Whatever the condition, one always has a choice to be happy.That is the kind of freedom that no one can take away from an individual.

One may be, physically, in misery or in sheer pain , but in mind a thought of joy can prevail.This is what I have learnt from Viktor Frankl and followed ever since .


It is but human nature to attract negatives to the mind that ensues a span of despondency.When there is no one around ,we brood over things that rankle and pierce our very heart.I am no different.But the next step is what separates me from the majority lot - I choose to replace my negatives with positives.

  • If it is a person who hurt me in the past,I would bring out a person who was kind.
  • If it is a sad thought,I think of a joke or a funny incident.
  • In no case a diabolic person or thought needs to occupy a beautiful garden of one’s mind.If they couldn’t make it beautiful,they have no right on earth to tarnish its beauty.And my mind is all I have.
  • I steadfastly act upon what Buddha preached so fervently:"Desire and attachment are the roots of all suffering."
  • Moreover,if a person we hold so dear to our heart couldn’t bring himself or herself eternal happiness,how can he or she bring us bliss? Have clarity regarding this very concept as an ailing mind is what unleashes hell onto our existence.

Last but not the least, nurture hope in your heart that good days would come and this very day is the beginning of all the good things.

God created us all and there is nothing in this world that one cannot bear and move forward.Have faith.It is the very ship that would take you places.



Pavan kumar
Wake. Write. Win.

Peace of mind is the most valuable treasure of all.I wandered all around in search of it.It is within me that I found it.