Simple productivity algorithm that will change your life

Khushi Vadadoriya
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2024

so far, this is one of the best algorithms to maximize your productivity to get your work done!

we often set bigger goals and then fail to reach them, which makes us feel sad and unmotivated. so, this productivity algorithm will help you debunk the rut of distraction. it is the most simple and effective way to get started with your new goals and resolutions.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash
  • set goals
  • break them down

to make your goal achievable in a desirable time, you need to break that big goal into smaller chunks. for example, you want to master a coding language as a beginner. than your smaller task to achieve that goal can be, starting ahead with variables and data types, learning loops and if-else statements, etc…

  • create time block
  • plan your day

creating time blocks according to your energy level and task difficulty level and planning them into the schedule is really important to avoid wasting your time on unnecessary things. it will help stop procrastination.

  • get started
  • stay focused
  • make it feel good

we like to do what we enjoy doing. so, try to make the process of achieving those goals more enjoyable.

  • recharge energy

taking breaks to recharge your energy is a must. nature can be one of the best ways to recharge your energy. try different things like exercising, walking, listening to music… do what works for you. try not to use the screen (phone, TV, games) during that time.

  • reflect appropriately

Reflecting on your progress helps you feel motivated and engaged with your goals. tracking your progress is a great way to make those goals more rewarding and satisfying.


It’s the process of learning, failing and learning again. each effort you put into the process of achieving those goals is more valuable than the goal itself. don’t be afraid of failure, embrace it & learn from it.



Khushi Vadadoriya
Wake. Write. Win.

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