Society Has Stolen Your Ability to Think For Yourself

This is How You Can Get it Back

Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readMay 5, 2024


Here’s the problem.

Today, the natural progression for humans is:

  • Struggle through school studying things you don’t like
  • Struggle through college mastering things you don’t like
  • Struggle through a job doing things you don’t like
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Before you realize it, you are already trapped in this rat race pursuing things you don’t care for because you never got the time to reflect and ask yourself what it is you truly desire.

It’s Not Your Fault, But It Is Your Responsibility

It is not your fault. The system is to blame. But it very well is your responsibility.

Living in this society where information and products are shoved down our throats at an alarming rate, the ability to think for ourselves has been lost.

Photo by Andrew Ling on Unsplash

Yet it is this very ability that sets people like Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, and Charlie Munger apart. They are fierce thinkers who question everything and don’t allow society to dictate the course of their lives.

Level Up!

Now it’s time for you to level up. Here’s what I learned from studying these free thinkers, explained in three simple ideas:

  1. Don't believe everything at face value. Challenge popular beliefs. What is, is not always what should be.
  2. Break down ideas into their fundamental truths and build upwards. This enables you to see through people’s biases and realize the underlying truth.
  3. Without realization, knowledge won’t get you far. And realization only comes through experiences. Jump into the deep end and discover life for yourself instead of watching it through somebody else’s eyes.



Wake. Write. Win.

Society has taken away your curiosity. Helping you develop the skill to think for yourself.