Sometimes I Feel Very Sad

Looking forward

Craig Samuel
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by NASA Hubble Space Telescope on Unsplash

What Do I See?

Global warming

We can’t control the monster we’ve unleashed. We lack the political will and the engineering skill. The seas will rise. The coasts will be inundated.


Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy which posits that a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear-armed defender with second-strike capabilities would result in the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. (Wikipedia)

I have lived my entire life with the threat of Mutual Assured Destruction. The current political landscape clearly highlights the looming possibility of worldwide collapse.


COVID came and stayed. Millions died as a result. Will the next pandemic be less virulent, or more?

Population control?

Sure, the planet can hold more humans! But at what cost?

Reduced landmass from rising oceans can’t be fixed. Houses under water can’t be lived in.

Where is the tipping point into extinction? How long will it take?

Space travel

Leave how? Go where? For what? Why? Furthermore, who cares? If you leave for another star, you can’t come back. If you can’t solve the problems that make life miserable here, you will just repeat the patterns elsewhere.



Craig Samuel
Wake. Write. Win.

A bit Stoic, I live in a cabin in the San Bernadino mountains. I publish fiction, poetry, and memoirs when I can. I draw on 70+ years of life experience.