Systems Mindset to Goals: Lose 20 Pounds or Earn $1000 on Medium

Both goals need the same systems mindset

Veena Krishnamurthy
Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

I talked about the problems with setting goals and what we can do instead in my below article.

I am a fairly new writer on Medium.

As a new writer, I was about to fall into the trap of setting goals without creating systems.

It is very tempting to set a goal of earning $1000 in 6 months.

However, I have often experienced failures with such goal setting, although with a different goal related to weight loss.

But the general concept is the same.

I can draw parallels between the two goals, the weight loss goal and the medium earnings goal and how both results would end up ( at least for me ) if I fell into the trap of goal setting without backing it up with systems

Lose 20 pounds in 3 months

Earn $1000 in 6 months

In both cases, this is what my previous self would have done.

Get into a crash diet/crash writing mode to achieve the goals.

Be obsessed with checking my weight or medium stats daily — be ecstatic if the needle moves or disappointed if it doesn’t.

I would have hated the journey — depriving myself of food, depriving myself of relaxation time, depriving myself of the joy of writing, and more.

I would have probably quit if I didn’t see the desired progress.

Instead, here I am determined not to repeat the mistake.

I want to do it the right way, in a sustainable way, in an enjoyable way.

I want to fall in love with the process.

I want to enjoy the journey.

I want to enjoy writing every article.

I want to enjoy writing every day.

I don’t want the process of writing to feel like punishment, by trying to force myself to write a bunch of articles like crazy to move the metrics.

I will share more details on the systems I plan to create for my writing journey.

Stay tuned!

I’d also love to hear about your systems. Do share in the comments!

If you like what I write, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could engage with my content through likes, comments, or highlights.

It would mean a lot to me ( as a new writer ) to continue writing and sharing what I know with the world.

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Veena Krishnamurthy
Wake. Write. Win.

I am fascinated by the idea of becoming unfuckwithable. Follow me for self improvement and philosophical posts on leading a good life.