Taking Action Before You’re Ready is a Superpower — And Why You Already Have It

Here’s How It Can Transform Your Life

4 min readJun 24, 2024

Since we were kids, we’ve been conditioned with a very wrong mindset.

It’s a widespread belief that we must feel ready before taking on a new or challenging task when this is simply not true. Being “ready” is a state of high confidence that only culminates due to repeated trial and error.

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When you first learn to drive a car, operating a stick shift on a busy road is daunting. You feel you could never do it…until you do it. And the moment you take action, you realize it was not as difficult as you made it out in your head. And the more you practice, the more you reach a state of higher confidence, that is, you become ready.

You need to learn to take action before you’re ready. That is the only way to ever be ready. Making it a conscious habit is difficult but the best thing is, just like the example of learning to drive a car, you’ve already used this superpower before without even realizing it.

One such event took place when you were a toddler…

Learning to Walk

As a toddler, when you took your first steps, maintaining your balance was about the hardest thing imaginable. Balancing your entire body on two tiny little legs is as daunting a task as any. Yet you still overcame it.


Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

By just doing it. You were not taught about the physics behind walking first. That’s unnecessary. All you needed was to take action and have some faith in yourself that you’ll figure it out along the way.

The same goes for when you first learned how to ride a bike. You just did it. Your dad let go of the bike without telling you and you crash-landed only once you realized he was not there behind you anymore.

It was only your mind trying to prevent you from escaping your comfort zone by delaying what you already know how to do. Take action.

Photo by Dan Russo on Unsplash

But once you overcome your mind, you overcome all obstacles. You understand the importance of taking action rather than living in your head.

To Shield Yourself From Failure, You Deprive Yourself of Life

So often we are caught up in a never-ending preparatory stage, honing our skills beyond necessary, sharpening our knowledge with books uncountable, but after a point, all of that is merely procrastination.

It is a way to shelter yourself from the consequences of a failed action. But remember,

“The regret that comes from inaction far outweighs that from a failed action.” — me, myself, and I.

You put off becoming great till tomorrow but tomorrow is an illusion that never arrives. It forever remains a day ahead, and your ambitions, a lifetime away. In putting off your struggles, you delay your greatness.

Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

So start today, with what little you have, then whatever you do, just don’t stop. Compounding will take care of the rest.

Only Legends Read Till the End! You Deserve an Amazing Ebook for Free :)

In this age of digital noise, never have there been more people telling us who we should be.

But it’s never been easier to become who you want to become.

And it all starts with honing your mind. A mind that is able to solve problems is necessary to reimagine your life and reinvent it any way you want.

If you want to level up your thinking and learn to use mental models to evolve into an independent thinker, grab a free copy of my ebook and never look back.

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Society has taken away your curiosity. Helping you develop the skill to think for yourself.