That one movie that I always think about.

Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
6 min readMay 10, 2024

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You might want to stick till the end for this one.

In an era where entertainment is extremely lackluster, I see myself constantly going back to those movies that have really made an impact on my life. Movies, much like most form of entertainment, have the potential to allure you into a time of escapism, immersion and sometimes, provoking thought.

Now, to me a movie does all this, very subtly. At the age of 21 in 2024, I often see myself turned off / disgusted by the political agendas and vapid movies propagated for the sole reason to make money alone. Thus, I’d like to introduce you to one of the movies I cherish, as an adult.

The LEGO Batman movie.


NO, don’t leave just yet.

Okay, it is a children’s movie, but bear with me.

This movie is the perfect parody to the hero known as Batman and here we see how unrealistic it is to be the Caped Crusader.

I cherish this movie because it just has the most balanced pacing ever, tear-jerking moments don’t last long enough because the comedic backdrop that quickly creates a dynamic momentum, but it’s not so overpowering that I forget about the tear-jerking moment either, there’s a good flow to the events that unfold. The movie boasts insane amounts of references from all other batman media and has parodies literally from the get go.

Batman solos>>>>>>

I am not lying, the movie starts with the black screen and ends with a white screen, to which Batman comments:

See, the one thing I love in this movie, is the chronologically positive contrast. The way he goes from this brooding, invincible hero with a 9-pack, to a vulnerable man who has a 9-pack and a very particular fear (more on this later).

The Comedy

This iteration of the Batman focuses on really digging deep into the current trends and marrying it with iconic events from previous Batman(s). They don’t shy away from dirty jokes either which is surprising and that gap made it even funnier. Batman here is just shown to watch movies about relationships on his downtime (in the morning).


Also, an iPhone is Batman’s Bat-computer here.

Staying true to the resources.

We see Batman always being looked after by his butler, Alfred Pennyworth, the only father figure in his life, we see Robin being this gullible child, who eventually will become Nightwing, the hero Batman wishes he was, and that’s referenced in the movie too. Batman is brooding but here it’s taken over the top and romanticized.

We see that, realistically, Batman is just a trained martial artist, armed to the teeth, and plays dress-up.

He’s accused of doing that in the movie too, and his response?

“I can, because I’m Batman.”



You’re a more discerning customer, aren’t you? You want my opinion. I’m honored.

On a more serious note, one of the main reasons I love this movie, is because, in a way, it figured me out. Or rather, it figured out my biggest fear. Prior to this, my biggest fear was losing control of things, of myself, being a slave, being someone’s puppet in a way. Not so much now, that I trust The True, Living, King.

I think, I used to believe that the fear of losing control over life is more of a consequence of my true fear; being a part of a family again, that’s how Alfred addresses it.

The movie ends with the song, and the title is key to understanding this fear both Batman and I have.

Friends are family.

See, the main allure of Batman is that, as a child, he saw his parents die, he stood up and swore to never let any injustice go rampant.

Batman: Arkham Knight.

The truth is much, much grayer. Batman, no matter how old, is still in Crime alley, always, revisiting the death of his parents. He has not moved on. He was scarred. Batman is just a sub-par compensation for not being able to save his parents, or rather, to avoid the pain of losing his parents.

Now, I find it most relatable because I don’t have the most respectable upbringing, the sort of upbringing that had left me crippled for a while, mentally and emotionally. Those problems eventually evolved into the main reason why I relate to this movie.

See, Batman here, is shown to avoid relationships, not because he’s worried, he can’t keep them safe, but its more that Bruce Wayne can’t allow himself to be hurt anymore, he is afraid of losing anymore. This is what I relate too.

Often times, I end up sabotaging the relationships I have and basing it on “its fine, I’m just not that strong to keep them happy.” Or that “They don’t like me, or they don’t like who I really am.” So I left any form of relationship where I started to get invested into. Often, hurting myself.

To combat this, Batman acted to care less, when we can see clearly that he still wants to be welcoming, playing a character who is impervious. I’d do the same for most of my teenage life.

He’s so proud.

But in reality,

I was afraid of being hurt, of feeling that feeling of your heart being emotionally empty, but physically heavier.

I was afraid to expect things out of people, I was afraid that who I really am will be mocked, ostracized and unappreciated, or worse, I was afraid I’d lose someone very important. this was particularly true, because its happened to me before and I thought “Never again.” My dream, is to one day be a father, so this movie really struck a chord in me.

Seeing Batman grow in this movie, from asking Alfred to send robin back to the orphanage, to forming bonds, relying on others and sacrificing himself (to an extent) to keep his ‘family’ safe, inspired me to do what Michael Jackson, err, Batman said.


I did, I still am, I’m still growing, growing closer to God, understanding what he wants of me, feeling hurt, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

There will be days where I falter and stumble, but there won’t be a day where I deny what is right.

I’ve watched this movie for the first time 6 years ago, and I keep watching it at least once a month, sort of like a comfort movie.

Eh, seems like a rant, but I urge you all to strive for quality, in what you consume and in what you create.


