The Virtues of Joe Rogan

How the most successful podcaster ever achieved success.

Noah Pech
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Joe Rogan, Wikimedia Commons

Love him – or hate him, Joe Rogan’s voice is broadcasted to more people than anyone else’s in history. He has been insanely successful in a multitude of endeavors, and throughout his podcasts, he gives everyone who listens the tools to achieve great success.

Here are the core virtues that have made Joe Rogan the powerhouse he is today.

Be General In Your Knowledge…

This is what has really made him such a success. He knows a little about a lot. This gives him the ability to communicate with a wide range of people. Even outside of podcasting, having wide general knowledge is very useful.

Think of it as a form of cross-training. Knowing about one topic can help you think about another in a completely different way than you would otherwise.

…And Specific In Your Skills

Equally as important as being a generalist is being specific. Joe dedicates himself to BJJ, archery, and comedy, and is very hesitant to take up new hobbies that will detract from the time he can dedicate to what he already loves to do

For example– countless guests have asked him about going golfing– he always refuses. Why? Because he knows he will become obsessed.

Dedicating yourself to certain skills helps you to realize your inner potential. Once you get good at one thing, you realize you can get good at anything. This will give you a newfound sense of confidence. Choosing to dedicate yourself to something and sticking through the hard times will be uncomfortable, but . . .

Embrace Discomfort

Joe expounds on this point very often, frequently talking about his cold plunges and sauna time. Whether it’s writing, speaking, or anything else that you care about– putting yourself out there for the first time isn’t a comfortable experience.

So learn to embrace it.

It could be running a mile, taking a cold shower, or sitting for a while with boredom; these things will help you get used to and begin to thrive in that feeling.

And what about if you make a mistake or fail? Chances are you have already heard this, but try taking some time after a setback and really feel your emotions and reflect on how to move forward– this will teach you exponentially more than any success you achieve.

Health Conscious

If you’ve ever listened to JRE, you know Joe has spoken many times about his intense regimen. He’s explained many times the benefits for his mental health and performance he gets from it.

You don’t need to be a blackbelt to take advantage of the benefits though. Just 30 minutes to an hour a day can make a world of difference for your mental state and energy levels.

Spread Love and Kindness

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, he tries to spread happiness. He wants to laugh and enjoy his time with his guests– and he wants to make sure they enjoy their time too.

If today you take some time to make a friend or family member feel good– chances are they’ll do the same for you.

And that’s a lovely cycle to start.

