Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2024


The Art of Discipline: Violent or Less Violent.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

It seems adults are tired of the despicable behaviors young teens, teenagers, and youths display all of a sudden, and it’s not all children you can hit even when you have permission too.

You can’t hit someone else’s child, and even if it were your own child, you can’t hit them forever.

Recently in Nigeria, new ways were adopted to deal with people perceived as 'rascals’, because they chose to act that way.

People with ridiculously dyed hair, extremely revealing outfits, short trousers for the guys, and extraordinary long hairdos were denied access to the exam hall in some JAMB centers.

They simply didn’t look like people who were in need of sitting for an exam.

Photo by gryffyn m on Unsplash

Personally, I love this judgment. It’s less violent and direct. It also helps to return value to the examination processes.

You shouldn’t only come prepared academically, but you must look the part too. Looking responsible is a new ticket to exam halls.

I hope this is recognized worldwide and included in the list of measures. It won’t only reduce the amount of youth chasing after clout, but it will also help set a new standard.

It’s either mild and potent punishments like the above or the woman who glued her son’s anus because she caught him sleeping with a fellow man.

We could all agree that this was a violent approach that couldn’t be justified, no matter how angry she claimed to be.

Photo by SLNC on Unsplash

Which would you root for? Would you side more with the violent punishments or the less violent ones?



Wake. Write. Win.

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