The Art Of Swearing

How To Use It In Writing

Amethyst Champagne
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Hannes Wolf on Unsplash


It’s something we do in real life, whether sprinkled into conversation or regularly used.

And depending on where you’re at, people will either not care, laugh with you, or chastise you for spilling profanities from your mouth.

But should you insert those words into your writing? And if so, how do you use them without overwhelming readers?

The Main Swear Words Used in Writing

While many other profanities exist, here are the main ones:

Ass (and its variations)

This is my favorite swear word to say, online and in real life. I don’t know why, either.

I probably insert ‘ass’ into my writing more than the others.


I mostly see this one in reference to complaining rather than name-calling. Or a female dog.

And I don’t think I’ve used it in non-fiction writing.


I’m not sure if I’ve used this one in my non-fiction writing, but if I did, it’d be a synonym for a jerk. Or the male body part.

Shit (and its variations)



Amethyst Champagne
Wake. Write. Win.

I write personal stories, articles, and more in hopes of helping others.