The Delusion of Ignorance

Ignorance kills
Both literally and figuratively. This is no joke!

Life Stories
Wake. Write. Win.
5 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Lute on Unsplash

In all aspects of life, if you are ignorant, you have only to lose. Here are a few examples:

Ignore the warnings of your body when you give it unhealthy food for a long time, and you will have major health problems.

Ignore traffic signs on public roads, and you will surely get into an accident sooner or later and get traffic fines.

Ignore your body hygiene, and soon you will smell like a skunk, and people will avoid you.

Surely, for most people, ignorance does not necessarily manifest at such an obvious level. They become ignorant first with the small things in their lives, unaware that everything grows… ignorance grows over time because repeated action feeds it.

When you continue to do something endlessly, that thing becomes strong and takes control over you. It is the universal law of multiplication.

Action is the fuel that gives concrete value to the most insignificant gestures and deeds of ours.

Ignorance becomes a problem when we make room for it in our lives and continue to leave it there.

Ignorance versus action

Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash

The opposite of ignorance is awareness. To be aware means to evolve in a good direction for your life, to identify shortcomings, and to correct them.

Let’s say you want to earn more money. You set this goal but do almost nothing in the direction of this desire. You wait for the perfect opportunity, and it never comes.

This means you are being ignorant. You ignore taking action. You simply do nothing to fulfill your desire. And success does not fall from the sky.

If you behave this way, your desire will remain in your mind and, over time, will die.

Because the lack of action is still an action, but one that does not bring you what you seek.

You reap what you sow

Photo by Carolina on Unsplash

You know the proverb, right? Well, adapted to the subject at hand, this means that if you are ignorant of the small aspects of life, over time, chaos will set into your existence.

Today you are ignorant of a desire, tomorrow you are ignorant of what you eat, the day after tomorrow you are ignorant of fulfilling your tasks at work, another time you are ignorant of your friends, and so on, little by little, your life begins to crumble and you have problems.

Our life is composed of several components, each with its importance for our evolution.

Ignorant people are those who do not know success. They are the ones who remain mediocre all the time and complain that fate is against them and that they are unlucky.

Life is fair to each of us. It offers us the necessary tools to build our future. It depends on how we choose to live it and what we do with our time.

The great geniuses of the world chose not to be ignorant of their lives. More than that, they chose not to be ignorant even of the unknown.

Thus, they became inventors of things that their contemporaries did not even believe possible. Today, we use them without even thanking their creators in our minds.

You too can achieve amazing results if you do not leave room for ignorance in your life.

The trap of ignorance

Photo by Chris J Walker on Unsplash

Like inaction, pessimism, and lamentation, ignorance is a nonvirtual. It is a germ.

It is based on a negative thought and, like any negative energy, it attracts even more negative energy of the same value.

This is about the law of attraction.

Soon, the ignorant person ends up being overwhelmed by problems and sees no way out of them.

At this point, most begin to resort to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or violence against others or themselves to escape the deplorable state they find themselves in.

But they continue to be ignorant of their lives and sink even deeper into trouble and negativity.

Ignorance is like a disease. It spreads easily but surely throughout your life and takes over every aspect of your existence.

Soon, you end up losing yourself.

Ignorance and its Remedy

Photo by Nikolett Emmert on Unsplash

The first step you can take to defeat this enemy is to become aware of its strength.

Do not underestimate it; ignorance is a very powerful negative force.

Once you understand what you are dealing with, set a short-term goal that you ardently want to achieve.

Then think about what actions you should take to reach the established goal. Write them down on a piece of paper. Start with baby steps.

After doing this, get to work starting today. Do something every day towards achieving your goal and trust that you will succeed. Make an effort, and I assure you that unseen forces of the Universe will come to your aid.

Lastly, enjoy the obstacles that come your way because they signal that you are on the path to success.

By doing all these things, you defeat ignorance every day. It becomes smaller and eventually disappears.

You see… you can do this with any aspect of your life. Replace ignorance with action, and your life will change starting today.

However, to be able to do this, you need perseverance.

Perseverance is the fuel that feeds all actions leading to success or failure. And don’t forget to smile. A smile has the power to solve problems.

And remember: defeat ignorance!



Life Stories
Wake. Write. Win.

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