The Power Of Mudras

Anket Sharma
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2024


How Mudras changes our lives

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels

Mudras are the hand gestures that are performed in ancient yoga .They are the powerful tool that can change our overall personality. They are been practiced different religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism to uplift the quality of their life.

In this story, I am going to tell you some powerful mudras that can change your whole life.

So let’s start,

I know that some of you might feel that how some positioning of fingers can be so powerful but in Hinduism, many yogis practised these mudras to unlock their ultimate powers which helped them to survive in the Himalayas without food and sleep for a long time.

Mudras are the positioning of fingers with the hands in a particular pattern that helps to run the energy flow through the body.

Each mudra is associated with different elements

They are —





These can affect our physical, emotional or spiritual well-being.

Now let’s dive into how mudras impact our overall personality.

#Balancing the emotions —



Anket Sharma
Wake. Write. Win.

A college student | An Athlete | Passionate Writer | Hi all ,my name is Anket Sharma ,I live in India ,I write stories on various topics.