The Ultimate Guide to Journaling: Tips for Starting and Sustaining Your Habit
I started journaling consistently at the start of 2022. At the time, it was an excuse to buy a nice new notebook, but I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed the practice, and what an amazing therapeutic tool it has become.
I tried journaling out a couple of times as a teenager, but never managed to stick to it. One of the main issues was paranoia that someone in my family would find it and read it, and I would be condemned to a life of embarrassment knowing they had read my most private, innermost thoughts. I started writing one when I was thirteen years old, full of teenage angst, but the worry that someone would find it became too much… so I ripped the pages out, tore them into tiny pieces and threw them away.
When I moved properly out of home, and finally had my own space, I tried again. Free from the prying eyes of my family, this time it stuck.
Having left university, I found myself missing the intellectual stimulation of writing about my thoughts on lectures and reading. I had turned to non-fiction books and podcasts to fill the void, but found all my ideas were going in one ear and out the other. I…