The Unheard

Michele Luckenbaugh
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
Sep 28, 2023
Jackson Simmer @ unsplash

A voice trembles,

unsure of itself.

It hides in the shadows,

with clenched fists,

fearful to speak,

reluctant to trust,

Anger and rage

stored away,

waiting to erupt.

When will it be freed

to speak truths…

truths that have been hidden

over generations…

truths chained in a box

covered in dust?

Courage seeks out the voice

and draws it forth…

it emerges from the prison of darkness

into the light.

Do you hear me?

You will hear me,

for I have been silenced for far too long!

And it shouts the truth,

banishing lies that

have stood far too long.

In truth

there is justice.

In justice

there is morality.

In morality,

there is the word of God.

And hallelujahs rise to the heavens.

Guillaume de Germain @ unsplash

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Thanks for visiting! Blessings!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Michele Luckenbaugh
Wake. Write. Win.

Patient Advocate, healthcare activist, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of life. I believe in the power of hope, it can move mountains. Love the art of writing.