The Untold Game of Medium

Samoon mohd
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2024

Hey, lovely people’s

I’m back after a week. But why should I take this pause to write on Medium?

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I’m a university student, and you know very well about university curriculum. Every two months, there are new exams, so yes, I have finished my exams right now. But the bad news is that the university announced the next exam date, which will be held twenty days later.

But yeah, it’s not the main thing about this article.

The reason for writing this article is another. I have not written in the past few days, but I have observed an interesting thing about the media.

You all know that the medium has a many millions writers and readers, but you know only some of them are successful. How does this happen?

Your answer is that they may provide genuine or the best content for readers. But think, only they produce fresh content; other writers, like you and me, are copying them. Not really.

Why am I saying this bullshit? Because at the start of this month, I was notified by a specific publication to read about boosted stories. I checked it out, and the result shocked me.

Basically, that article is about which stories were boosted in the last month’s (if you don’t know about boosted stories, it is the same as going viral on TikTok; here, this medium promotes your stories to a larger audience).

I discovered that the majority of the boosted stories featured in that publication were written by a single author. I forgot the exact data, but for example, if we take 100 boosted stories, then approximately 40 stories are only from one writer. The interesting thing is that the writer who boosted it so much is also an editor of that publication. Know that you understand the game.

I checked some other last-month analytics, but the results are about the same. know if you have an understanding mind. You can understand all scenarios.

So that’s what I want to share with you, and know that it depends on how you take this thing. I personally think that it’s not right, but what should I do? I’m not able to disclose this publication’s name or writer’s name because I also wrote for that publication, and that’s a very big publication

