There’s A Time For Everything

Tshiamo Seanego
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2024

This is the Poem of the day

There’s a time to love.

Take down your walls, let people love you. Love other people as well.

Don’t confine yourself in the fear of rejection, the fear of disappointment.

Express genuine love regardless of who you cross paths with.

Radiate positive energy and leave an impressive blueprint of what a loving person is.

Become a safe haven for vulnerable people. The ones who were wrongly hurt.

Pull them close to you and show them the true essence of love.

Do not hurt anybody’s heart as you would not like anybody to hurt yours

The world can be cruel as it wants but Love will never die.

There’s a time to rest.

You have worked so hard and now you are beat up.

Your energy is on the red zone, the danger zone.

This isn’t the time to strategize, this isn’t the time to make moves.

This is the time to go to sleep mode.

Don’t think about sales. Don’t think about coworkers. Don't think about getting anything done.

Mindfulness is a life skill that doesn’t get enough recognition.

Get outside of your house and observe nature. Get outside the country if you can. Appreciate the fresh breeze of air, Appreciate the art of doing nothing.

You rest until your body has shaken off the exhaustion. You rest until your mind has less tasks to think about.

There’s a time to go to war.

Sharpen your knives.

Buy a lot of ammo.

And recruit a few allies to help you win.

Your enemy is yourself. You are lazy and unmotivated. You are too comfortable with finishing last.

When you go to war, you need to gather Intel about your enemy.

The intel says in order to win the War you need to:

Learn a profitable skill

Join a community of ambitious people like you

Build something online

Make money and enjoy life

There’s a time to cry and pray

Tears on a man are not a sign of weakness

They show that you are human and you feel pain

Tears are a cry for help

Tears translate “ It hurts so bad i don’t know what to do

So when you drop a tear, you can get down on your knees and pray.

Pray that your journey on earth has less hardships, less disappointments, less rejections.

Pray that you find healing from whatever that’s hurting you.

Pray that you find success and share it with others.

Thank you for Reading!!!

