This One Thing is Holding You Back from Fulfilling Your Dreams!

Sweta Sharma
Wake. Write. Win.


(Here’s what you need to do🙌)

“Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.” — Shirley Jackson

Do you have a dream?


And, accept it or not, somewhere deep down in your consciousness, you must be having a dream that’s so close to you.

That’s constantly reminding you of your purpose aka your IKIGAI.

Photo by Tarun Savvy on Unsplash

Perhaps, you’re also working towards it, just like me slowly but steadily.


Chances are there you’ve put it under the carpet because of a number of reasons.

But, why is it so?

Why do some of us achieve our dreams, while most of us remain stagnant and live our lives according to the so-called notions & perceptions?

I guess it’s because of the conditioning!

At least, I can say that after experiencing this living world for the past 27 years, facing the ups and downs, meeting the good & not-so-good people, and meeting the deadlines (as they say!)

For the past 9 and a half years, I was functioning like a trained robot, though I didn’t realize that.

Wake up, pack your lunch, go to the office, come back, watch some TV, or browse through the phone, and then ultimately go to bed.

This cycle continued until 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic was introduced into our lives.

This huge break in my life proved to be a turning point, especially the 2nd wave.

During the second wave of Covid-19, I got introduced to Pinterest.

I guess this introduction was the result of plenty of time that I usually didn’t have OR maybe I haven’t thought in that direction.

And, let me tell you very frankly, never in my wildest dream I give it a thought that I’d be creating content on social media.

Anyway, you can call it destiny or luck by chance.

I got to know about this platform and then instinctively I decided to create content.

I’m an editor & VO artist by profession and this new thing seems a bit challenging to me.

Because nobody in my surroundings is into things like these.

Creating content, posting videos, and having a social media following seems too alien to me.

Photo by June Aye on Unsplash

Nevertheless, I decided to give it a shot.

But, the one thing that’s somewhere holding me back is the feeling — What if I fail?

I had a job, and a steady flow of income, but still…

How can you deal with your subconscious?

Apparently, after brainstorming I found a way to deal with this!

And, that way is — taking action.

Action is the only way to beat procrastination.

“Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.” — Victor Hugo

I started taking baby steps, learned as much as I could, and made a tracking sheet for myself, just to have a look at my results.

Here’s the initial draft of the list which shows my monthly page views on Pinterest, when I was completely naive!

Tracking Sheet for My Monthly Page Views on Pinterest!

I felt excited when I saw growth in these numbers, but at the same time, I would feel disappointed when things didn’t go as expected (all thanks to our emotional set-up! 😊).

Things continued for a long time.

I learned, failed, learned again, implemented the strategy, and finally got a grasp of how this whole platform works.

Now, on the professional front, there have been many ups and downs over the past two years of Covid.

I saw some very good moments and some not-so-good ones.

Good moments are because of a wonderful team that I led, and bad ones you can guess yourself!

2023 became a life-changing year for me in a lot of terms — personal & professional.

On the personal front, some of these incidents were —

  • my dad underwent an operation, which was emotionally overwhelming for me.
  • my relatives started pressuring me to get married because according to societal norms, girls should settle down as soon as possible.

I’d rather not revisit the professional front right now. I’ve moved past that phase.

So, everything was going in parallel.

I was trying to stay calm and take things as they came.

I remember it was on November 2023, while coming back from the office on a late evening, I got this intuition that it’s time to put a full stop to this 9–5 thing.

I didn’t have any plans in mind.

Neither I was planning to switch a job.

It’s just that I don’t want to be there anymore.

I think for a while and within those 40–50 minutes of travel, I made up my mind to leave my job.

I sorted out the formalities and finally, on December 16, 2024, I waved goodbye to that place.

With this, the professional problems get sorted.

To address the pressure from my relatives to get married, I took one of the best steps:

Part your ways with people who suck your blood & energy!

I did the same and, this one thing has helped me a lot both mentally and physically.

Now, as I reflect on my decision to start my online journey and recall the fear of failure that once plagued me, I realize how far I’ve come.

I’ve crossed 77 Million impressions on Pinterest, and steadily growing my income streams!

Facing fear taught me that it’s okay to be afraid.

What matters is pushing through and not giving up.

What fears have you faced in pursuing your dreams, and how are you planning to overcome them? Let me know😊

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people in team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

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Sweta Sharma
Wake. Write. Win.

Hey, I'm Sweta🙌 an editor turned content creator. I'm here to help you create, grow, and monetize🚀Join the Clan ➡️