Uncovering Ways to Support Others with Minimal Effort

Your insignificant gestures can be highly significant in someone’s life

Kiran Yadav
Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readApr 23, 2024


Photo by Abhishek Rai on Unsplash

As a young woman entering the workforce in India, my life was relatively carefree. With two friends who were also colleagues, we shared the responsibility of food and other chores, making it an enjoyable communal activity.

However, things changed when I got married and moved to a new city. Suddenly, I found myself juggling household responsibilities along with my job.

Invaluable, hardworking household support

Fortunately, in India, having household help is common and I was able to hire a middle-aged lady for cleaning. She was diligent and reliable, always informing me if she needed to take a leave.

Beyond her salary, I provided her with grocery items, knowing that excess purchases would otherwise go to waste.

In this consumerism era, we buy so much on impulse.

In a country where the majority of population earns a modest income, small gestures like providing groceries and clothing can make a significant difference.

Sense of Inclusion

During festivals, we would gift her new clothes, a tradition I had seen my own mother follow with her household help.

These acts weren’t driven by pity but by a sense of inclusion.

She was a part of our family and it felt natural to share our joys with her.

Over time, as I got to know her better, I realised how much these gestures meant to her.

While I may not have the means to make large donations to charitable organisations, I believe in helping those around me in whatever small ways I can.

Acknowledging the Unnoticed Ones

Even in my workplace and residential building, I make it a point to acknowledge the efforts of those who may often go unnoticed.

Whether it’s distributing sweets or giving small gifts on special occasions, these gestures may seem insignificant to me, but for them, they hold great significance.

I prefer giving clothes and food directly to those in need rather than donating money.

Playing a role in backing neighbourhood sellers

Additionally, I consciously support local vendors, whether it’s buying vegetables or other household necessities.

In a world where bargaining is often considered a skill, I choose not to haggle with street vendors, recognizing the value of their products and their livelihoods.

It’s about making someone smile with small acts of kindness, knowing that even the tiniest gesture can brighten someone’s day.

This story is participating in the writing contest “Write For A Better World” by Wake.Write.Win.



Kiran Yadav
Wake. Write. Win.

Uncovering my niche, exploring genres, making meaningful contributions along the way