

Words do not teach

Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Wake. Write. Win.


A person sitting at a rock looking at the edge of a rock pool at the base of a waterfall
Author Photography: A Leigh With A View

The macabre, gruesome, horrifying and most unsuitable (14)

Every time
I close my eyes
I see it feel it inhale it
Shapes and sizes

When I sit silently
And focus
On my point of attraction
Stripes and streams

Different shades and colours
Swirling and whirling
My energetic endeavour
Spiraling out of control

You keep proclaiming
Your flawed story
Passed through generations
Re-interpreted to stay relative

To today
It was never even
Relative to yesterday
Words do not teach

Your vibrational frequency
There is more than enough
Going around

Stop your impossible rituals
Your unattainable goals
Your man-made God
Ask and it is given

You don’t need to
Prove your worthiness
You say: “If it feels good
It isn’t it shouldn’t be”

We say: “Why not feel good”
Ask expect take
Hack murder maim
Take vengeance

The world is hungry
For our voice
You know now

What you know
Stop blocking your wellness
Stop being so defensive
Disengage from your restrictions

Your placebo-past
Be happily ever after enough
To become what you want

Find your vibrational equivalent
Equilibrium I be
You know you have it right
When you stop wasting time

Keep on feeling good
There is no ending
Only an endless renewal
Your emotion is

The primary manifestation
Keep the momentum going
Find resonance in the
Readiness of her

Coming together of it
To everyone wellness
Unlimited abundance
Spirals of light

Sparks of joy
The pleasant fullness of it all
Gratitude welling up in me
I be is

Three scrambler motorcycles in front of a cave inside a rock cliff in a valley
Author Photography: Batcave

Personal Note:

You need to care about how you feel every second of every day.

Dumelang bohle!!! African Greetings!!! Please support me so I can continue to do what makes my spirit feel alive and feeds my soul; and that is to express myself through words and photos every day.



I do not currently qualify for the Medium Partner Program due to country location; South Africa.

A collage compiled to showcase outreach work initiatives in local community
A collage created by the author on Canva: Outreach Work



Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Wake. Write. Win.

Author, Photographer. I specialize in Creative Writing and Storytelling with an emphasis on Mental Health, Philosophy, Trauma, Abuse, Psychology and Crime.