Using Misery to Make the World a Better Place

How do I make the world a better place? Well, let’s just say I’m not like the others…

Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Bianca Berg on Unsplash

My life has been far from conventional.

How others perceive it is based almost entirely on the chapter they walked in on.

My mom knows me as the frail kid with random food aversions and allergies who somehow mustered up the strength to use her voice to sing, rap, tell hilarious jokes, and question authority.

Anyone who knows me from grade school would most certainly describe me as an intelligent, creative, and highly musically-inclined odd duck who marched to the beat of her own drum and had all the promise in the world.

In middle school, teachers saw me as a student who was secretly smart but desperately wanted recognition in any form. The students, on the other hand, saw me as a class clown who routinely skipped school and got kicked out of class on purpose.

In high school, I went from being a socially awkward-pothead-tomboy to a budding social butterfly (and alleged boy thief) to the teenage mom who notoriously had a baby in the middle of the year but still managed to graduate on time.

I’ll save the remainder of the details of my life story for my life story. Suffice it…



Wake. Write. Win.

They call me “the voice of the people,” but I can only speak for myself. Find "Everything Ivy" here >>