Want to be Happy? Try This Out.

Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2024

As usual, I began my day like many others, by opening my mobile and checking Instagram, among other things. I also checked Google News, and one headline in my feed caught my attention: “Happiness can be learned but takes practice, a new study reveals.” It was intriguing, so I clicked on the link and took a quick look at the article.

Continuing with my daily routine, I was engaged in a book I’ve been reading for the past few days — Atomic Habits. Interestingly, I stumbled upon a concept that seemed to complement the news article perfectly: the idea that we can alter our mood with simple habits.

It wasn’t entirely coincidental; perhaps there was a fifty-fifty chance of such synergy occurring (After reading “The Art of Thinking Clearly” book, I came to understand that there’s no true concept of coincidence — it’s always a matter of probability! 😂).

The crux of it is associating a habit with a positive moment.

For instance, I enjoy writing, and I have introduced a pre-writing ritual that can be done anywhere, anytime. For me, it was as simple as taking a few deep breaths and smiling before I started writing.

Surprisingly, after a while, my mind started linking these breathing exercises with the joy of writing. Eventually, I found that I didn’t need the act of writing itself to uplift my mood. Just a few deep breaths and a smile were enough to trigger a positive shift.

I opted to experiment with this theory, and much to my surprise, it proved effective. The straightforward approach of linking breathing and smiling with happiness noticeably boosted my mood. I found that I could transition from a sad state to a joyful one with ease. While I continue to refine the process for efficiency, it’s already proving effective for me.

Give it a try!



Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.

I am Akanksha Gupta. By Profession I am Software Engineer with 6 years of experience in IT Industry. Writing and Sharing is my hobby. Living my life fully :)