We have become threats to ourselves. It’s Human Era…

Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2024

We’re living in a time called the Human Era, where we’ve unintentionally become a danger to ourselves.

I recently journeyed to Dehradun, a mountain city I had explored two years ago. However, I noticed significant changes along the same route. In the pursuit of development, mountains were cut down to construct a flyover, creating a direct link from Delhi to Dehradun. While it might appear as a positive development initially, one must question its true impact.

My initial response was, “Aree ye kyn cut kr diye? (Why did we choose to cut it down?)”

I believe we are turning into, or I might say we have already become, threats to ourselves. In this human era, we stand as the sole species on the planet that has assumed the responsibility of managing Earth. Unfortunately, our actions have already disturbed the harmony of nature significantly.

The concern lies in the fact that the most affected individuals are the ones with limited means. It might be fine for me if it rains unexpectedly on a workday, and I can enjoy it with a cup of chai in my office. However, when I visit my hometown village, that rainfall isn’t just a source of enjoyment. For some low-income earners, it means losing their earnings for the year and entering a phase of debt. Their innocence is remarkable; they don’t point fingers at the wealthy or government policies. Instead, they express thoughts like, “Maybe I’ve made some wrong choices, and this is a result of that by God.”

Their innocence is remarkable; they don’t point fingers at the wealthy or government policies. Instead, they express thoughts like, “Maybe I’ve done wrong in past (My Karma), and this is a result of that by God.”

At times, I’ve wondered how convenient it is to simply attribute everything to God or past life karma. Are we not just attempting to avoid taking responsibility for our current actions?

We often talk about things like sustainable development and making sure everyone benefits economically. But talking about it isn’t enough; we need to do something about it. Even small things like saving a bucket of water every day or using a bicycle or public transport can make a big difference. Or you might have an even bigger idea.

Let’s try to stop being a threat to ourselves and move away from the Human Era to a time where we live in harmony with nature — the Nature Era.



Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.

I am Akanksha Gupta. By Profession I am Software Engineer with 6 years of experience in IT Industry. Writing and Sharing is my hobby. Living my life fully :)