We’re Supposed To Have Problems, Stupid!

Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2024


We cannot avoid problems.

Sometimes though, we like to try.

As human beings, we are preconditioned to find shelter. We want warmth and safety.

We want protection.

Life, however, is just not like that.

Now and then, problems arise. They cause you to feel distressed and panicky. They sometimes even make you freeze with fear.

But if you make one simple shift in mindset, everything becomes a little less…problematic.

Stop being reactionary

Photo by Alex Kondratiev on Unsplash

If you react to every problem you face with a stress response, you are acting foolishly.

Your reactions to problems don’t all have to be the same.

You can just choose not to react.

Choose not to react. Train yourself to not react.

How do you do this?

Just remember one thing.

This will not change.

Like day follows night. Like summer follows spring.



Wake. Write. Win.

Here to help you wake up, smell the gasoline, and help others with your experience.