What is Technical SEO In Digital Marketing?

Krupali Patel
4 min readJun 12, 2024


Technical SEO refers to improving a website’s user experience while improving performance for search engines. The list of its components is shown below.

  1. Giving Sitemap
  2. Creating SEO-Friendly Site Structure
  3. Improving website speed
  4. Making website mobile-friendly
  5. Fixing duplicate content issues.
  6. Many More

Why is Technical SEO Important?

Technical SEO helps us to crawl our webpage into search Engines. If your page does not rank in Search Engine Then you can’t get more traffic on your website.

Even though your page has enough information to connect your audience and product, Google cannot rank it, regardless of how closely your content relates to it.

Plus, Google ranks those webpages or websites that take less time to load and also have mobile responsive design.

If it happens then it has an impact on Your profit or revenue of your product. It may lead to a huge loss in your business.

That’s why Technical SEO is important.

Giving Sitemap or Optimizing sitemap

Giving a sitemap is the process of giving a blueprint of your website to Google for crawling, indexing, and ranking your website or webpage’s content. Sitemaps also tell search engines which webpage is most important in your website or product.

Sometimes Google creates a sitemap based on your website activity and you fill in your all details into a tool for creating a sitemap manually.

XML sitemap is best for your website and reaches out to Google ranking.

Here is how the sitemap looks like

Image by author

Your site generally on this type:

Yoursite.com/sitemap.xml after getting your sitemap submitted on the Google search console.

To submit your sitemap to Google, go to GSC and click “Indexing” > “Sitemaps” from the sidebar.

Understanding of sitemap

Creating SEO-Friendly Site Structure

Site architecture, also called site structure, is the way pages are linked together within your site.

An effective site structure organizes pages in a way that helps crawlers find your website content quickly and easily.

So when structuring your site, ensure all the pages are just a few clicks away from your homepage.

SEO structure

The homepage links to category pages. And then, category pages link to individual subpages on the site.

This structure also reduces the number of orphan pages.

Important notice: If you are a Semrush user, you can easily find whether your site has any orphan pages.

Improving site speed

Page speed is an important factor for ranking your site in Google.

Consider first your site loads fast as as possible. If the site gets more time to load users may be annoyed and leave the page immediately.

If you want to use a free tool for it then you use Google’s free tool ‘Page Insight’ to check your page speed on mobile or desktop.

Personal site speed with mobile and desktop version

Another reason why it takes time to load

1. Compress image

If an image takes time to load then it impacts page speed and reduces image size that’s why you can easily load your page.

2. Use CDN(Content network delivery)

CDN stores all your webpage files and shares them with all users globally. That takes less time to reach your request to a search engine.

3. Minify HTML, CSS, and Javascript files

These all files take much storage on your site and also take time to load so reduce or less as many as files possible.

Make Website Mobile-Friendly

Most users now use mobile to connect with applications or products. If you need more than your website for mobile and desktop then it may lead to loss for you. Also, users get annoyed to using this. So, the most important thing is your website looks good on both platforms.

Check your website possibility on desktop or mobile. Like given below

Site overview with technical SEO

If you use Google search console then use Google tools for checking website runs well or not on both devices.

If your website ranks first or high in Google that means it runs well on desktop and Mobile.

Fixing Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content is when you have exact- or near-duplicate content on multiple pages on your site.

For example, this page from Buffer appears at two different URLs:

  1. https://buffer.com/resources/social-media-manager-checklist/
  2. https://buffer.com/library/social-media-manager-checklist/

Google doesn’t penalize sites for having duplicate content.

But duplicate content can cause other issues, such as:

  • Undesirable URLs ranking in search results
  • Backlink dilution
  • Wasted crawl budget

If you use Semrush then you use Site Audit to find out whether content is duplicate or not. You can see in this image how you get your site audit:

After You can work on fixing and finding broken pages, optimizing web vital, and Implementing site structure.

If you want to help in Technical SEO, Connect with me for your business growth.

Until keep learning :)



Krupali Patel

Incorporating the most creative concepts into blog posts and content creation. Also take a dive into top trending topic about Digital marketing www.kdpatel.com.