What Katy did and what you can do too

Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2024

Not a book review

My sister recommended “What Katy did” by Susan Coolidge long back. I didn’t get time to read it as I was a fan of fantasy fiction more but I thought of giving it a try. I sat down on my favorite arm chair with my hot coffee and started reading the book. I thought it would take me a week to complete the book but boy I was wrong! I got hooked into the world of Katy Carr and her siblings from the get go.

Photo by Jonathan Sanchez on Unsplash

The things written centuries back made so much sense now. For those who don’t know , “What Katy did” is about a vibrant little girl called Katy who meets with an unfortunate accident and gets confined in a wheel chair. The more she looses hope , the more she gets distant from her family. Finally , with the help of her cousin, she decides to take control of her life by turning her disadvantage into an advantage. She imagines her room to be her classroom and God to be her teacher. The three important lessons that she learned in her classroom were :


Everyone must have heard the Proverb “Good things comes to those who wait.” This is a very important virtue to be learned along the way .Being patient is to be more kind , empathetic and selfless. That is exactly what Katy did. Being patient with herself and her family and by showing compassion to others when they needed, she grew from a selfish and rude girl to a responsible young woman.

To loose patience is to loose the battle

-Mahatma Gandhi


Sometimes we might not lead the life that we hoped for. Instead of mopping about it , we can turn the drawbacks into a asset. In Katy’s case she was bossy and rude to her siblings ,but being in a wheel chair gave her an opportunity to give more time to their needs and wants. This led them to be more closer than they ever were.


Most of the times, if we come across difficulties, we tend to loose hope first. Katy did the same mistake as well but she realized that bad phases in life are just temporary. She didn’t lay around feeling sad for herself, instead she woke up everyday feeling positive and looking forward to what life has to offer. Consider every day as a new opportunity and a new beginning. Remember there is always a sunrise after a sunset.

All these lessons are relevant to us even today. Being more patient, more hopeful and making the best of things made Katy the woman everyone loved and respected. If Katy can do it , so can you.

