What’s life about?

The Nerds
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
Jun 4, 2024
Photo by Damian Siodłak on Unsplash

Thomas Edison chose to not give up and try a thousand times to make an electric bulb.

Elon Musk chose to dream big instead of living a normal mediocre life.

It was their choice that shaped their lives.

And so, life is all about making choices.

You make some good choices and some bad. The result is you need to live with the choices you made even if they were bad.

Even, the talent is not born.

But, talent is created with hard work and determination.

It’s your choice what you want your talent to be. And, then sticking to it.

It’s all about making choices.

And whatever you choose to do, you need to learn to take responsibility for your choices and actions.



The Nerds
Wake. Write. Win.

Hi, I'm a nerd. I'm passionate about self-improvement, tackling topper insecurities, and sharing my love for books.