Where to start?

Jaswanthi Mamidisetty
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2024

Day 2 of #WriteForWellnessChallenge

Feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced world, it’s as if time is racing by and I’m being swept back like the tide at the beach. Despite my efforts, I feel like I’m being pulled back faster than I can move forward.

It feels like if I don’t keep up with the fast-paced world, I might be sucked into a black hole with no return.

Why do I have mid-life crisis feelings even though I’m just in my twenties? Why do my shoulders feel burdened even before I take on responsibilities?

Do others feel the same anxiety before entering this phase? Or am I just afraid of whether I’ll have the strength to face the challenges?

It seems like everyone is going through struggles but pretends everything is fine. Maybe that’s their coping mechanism.

Why don’t I enjoy things wholeheartedly? People say it’s just a phase of life, but you feel it’s the real deal. Perhaps I was living in a delusional world, and this phase is the true reality.

Everyone is facing their challenges. Should we just ignore it and learn to live with it?

Maybe not.

It becomes difficult when we try to avoid it and pretend nothing happened.

Learn to acknowledge and move on; that’s how we become a better person. So, where do we start?

Maybe just begin with simple gestures.

In the paragraphs above, I’ve shared the thoughts and emotions going through in my mind.

It’s common to feel overwhelmed by life’s uncertainties at times. What truly matters is how we tackle these feelings and take proactive steps to navigate through them.

But where do we begin?

I’ve attached a calendar plan above provided by MHA. Following this plan throughout the month can greatly assist in prioritizing and nurturing our mental well-being.

Link to the MHA website, where you can download the toolkit(the calendar plan attached in the post is a part of the MHA toolkit)

My friend Vepa Gayathri has also joined me in the #WriteForWellnessChallenge. Be sure to check out her blogs as well!



Jaswanthi Mamidisetty
Wake. Write. Win.

A place where you will find blogs on data analysis , book summaries and unfiltered thoughts .