
Why are we running away from responsibility?

Such a man will look for screens, filters, and people to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for him

Life Stories
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Laura Pocho on Unsplash

Many of us choose not to take responsibility for the things we do, preferring to blame others or various factors. Some people have even made a way of life out of escaping responsibility or passing it on, conveniently, to other people.

Responsibility can be internal when a person believes that he must criticize himself for his actions, and external, when he is accountable to other people or institutions for what he does at work or in society.

When we analyze a person who does not take responsibility, we are generally talking about a weak person, who prefers that others make the decisions regarding him so that in a limited situation he can have someone to blame. If he doesn’t take responsibility at work, where he spends 8–10 hours a day, it’s like a kind of training for what he does in the family as well.

The causes of running away from responsibility are multiple, starting from the lack of energy, although it may seem a little plausible, and up to the lack of exercise in being responsible. If in the family or entourage, the child noticed that it is better to pass the responsibility, there are good chance that he will do the same as an adult.

There are even what specialists call emotional manipulators, those people who know very well how to trigger certain emotions in those they interact with to, those people who know very well how to trigger certain emotions in those they interact with to get what they want. “The emotional manipulator will always look for screens, filters, and people to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for him.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

How important is the lack of education in not assuming responsibility

When we talk about assuming responsibility, it happens now, in the present, or the people concerned do not want or cannot face such a burden, especially if they have a whole experience behind them in avoiding responsibility for what they do.

Behind this refusal to assume responsibility is not necessarily fear, but also a lack of education. Therefore, the first step that those who have a problem in this area must take is to realize that what they are doing is not right.

If you don’t take responsibility for the activity or position you have, this decision will create a mental, emotional, and physical deficiency.

Photo by Katherine Hood on Unsplash

Multiply by your example

If she tells herself that once she does this, she will be found as a scapegoat by everyone around her and nothing good will come out of it, then things will not evolve for the better.

Everything I think, feel, say, and do belongs to me. I’m responsible for this,” is a phrase that those who have trouble taking responsibility can repeat, feel and live, and change will not be long in coming.

The first step to healing is taking responsibility for smaller activities or actions, not in any way, but with enthusiasm because responsibility is often associated with a burden, a weight.

Taking responsibility has both beautiful parts and less pleasant parts, but once you decide to act in this direction, you will find that you will free yourself from any kind of constraints, especially moral ones, in the sense of blame because you refused to be responsible in certain situations.

The last step is healing, which occurs within the individual after taking responsibility for his actions. A multiplication will follow through his example, that is, the person in question will feed on the well-being that arises from any assumption of responsibility that he will have in the future.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash



Life Stories
Wake. Write. Win.

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