Why I am Writing Today …

Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2024

Today, I find myself compelled to put pen to paper, or rather, fingers to keyboard, as I yearn to relive the past 15 days — a cherished period spent in one of my favorite cities, Dehradun. For me, this city is more than just mountains, rivers, and natural beauty; it’s built with emotions woven with care, and love, and the presence of my loved ones who, though not just a phone call away, are deeply connected to me, ready to share my tears and bring calm to my soul.

Why I am writing today ?

Because I want to relive myself back to those beautiful days.

As I travel back to my hometown, think back to 15 days, the scooter rides, snow-capped mountains, and the refreshing rain on my face all appear mesmerizing. I consciously refrained from capturing too many pictures for Instagram this time; I was fully immersed in the beauty of my surroundings and my emotions.

Dehradun holds a special place in my heart, not only because of its scenic beauty but also because it gifted me a special brother. The purpose of my visit was to assist in organizing my brother’s wedding, a task I may not excel at 😂, but one I embraced with a break from my usual side hustles. In a single word, I am content and Happy.

This isn’t a blog to showcase anything; it’s an outpouring of emotion that compels me to write. I’m on a bus, heading back to my hometown, imagining a return to the same place, even though it’s not feasible. So, why not revisit it through writing?

One might still question what I gained from Dehradun. The answer remains simple — unconditional love. To me, that’s all I need.



Akanksha ✨
Wake. Write. Win.

I am Akanksha Gupta. By Profession I am Software Engineer with 6 years of experience in IT Industry. Writing and Sharing is my hobby. Living my life fully :)