Why I Like Writing About My Life Online

And No, It’s Not Because I’m Self-Centered

Amethyst Champagne
Wake. Write. Win.


Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

Write about yourself.

Don’t write about yourself.

Pretty contradictory, don’t you think?

With every other writer trying to advise on what you should write about, it gets confusing and overwhelming.

Yes, I understand why some tell you to avoid talking about your life in your writing; more often than not, readers don’t care.

But writing is more than trying to earn views.

It’s about self-expression, which, to me, includes your life away from the keyboard.

At least part of the time.

The Reasons Why

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

There are many reasons people write about themselves online, but here are mine:

To Celebrate the Small Things

While I always try to celebrate the small stuff in my life, writing about it has become easier since I became a writer for Short. Sweet. Valuable.



Amethyst Champagne
Wake. Write. Win.

I write personal stories, articles, and more in hopes of helping others.