Why We Should Change the Question of the Competition

Jerome K.
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2024
Photo by Joe Shields on Unsplash

“How are you making this world a better place?”

To really understand the question, lets relive the past and look at the events that have impacted humanity.

What CHANGED the course of history?

In the warring centuries of the past, bravery and hand-to-hand combat are what determined which kingdoms win and what falls.

In the modern era, we have leaders, presidents, ministers, and advocates that shape what is written in the history books next.

Each of those important people have gone through obstacles and challenges but have persevered and hold one thing in common:

They have adjusted a Portion of History.

That reflected into our world.

Whether or not they made the world better, they have extended their influence and shaped the world we live in today and so, we continue to adhere to the effects of the actions of these influential people.

What I am trying to highlight here is the CHANGE these exemptional people have brought (and why we should focus on that too).

Thinking about how we can making the world a better place made me reflect and realize:

To begin thinking about how am I making this world a better place is to ask myself:

What is my dream?

Photo by noelle on Unsplash

No, I’m not talking about the dream while in bed.

I talking about the one that gets you out of it. The “something” that you yearn to have and the future that you would like to possess.

What do you want to do?

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Everyone has a dream.

A dream is so common, it exists among all of us. However, only YOU can see and only YOU can unfold it and bring it to reality.

Why are Dreams so Important to Us?

and why they are the KEY to helping this world…

There is no one true definition of what a dream is. Some may say it’s a belief…

a hope

a despair

an excitement

A dream to me is…

something that affects the the people around you in a good way.

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Dreams are what we strive for as humans. They are an integral part of human kind and those who don’t have dreams are not living.

We can all help the world if we dream BIG.

As a student, I had a hard time thinking about what I have done in this world (in the sense that many others on here are writing about their work and have had the time and capacity to do influential work) and so to me…

There are many ways to lend a hand in school through teaching and inspiring the people around you. Certain students are also active in their advocacies, choosing to start helping others early.

One way or another, we all should be doing “something”.

and for me, DREAMING is more than enough (for now)…

Doing my assignments, listening to the teacher, and studying really hard are (for me) an investment that compounds 10x to the amount of lives we, students, can affect in the future.


When we dream, we must keep in mind to dream in helping others whether its a sister, family member, friends, coworkers, company or a big group of people…

Dreaming is all about helping others and doing selfless acts that will turn our world into a beautiful place.

It allow us to go far and beyond. Pushing limits and capabilities. Changing the meaning of “humanly possible” each time. Whether its a dream to remove all waste from earth or solve world hunger…

I wish that you all consider my definition of what a dream is and use it as a starting point to to turning your world into a beautiful place.

We all can make a difference…when we dream…and turn them to reality.

— Jerome K.

