Why You Must Be Proud Of Your Hesitations

Hesitations: Your unsung hero on the road to great decisions

The Human Project
Wake. Write. Win.
3 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

We all know the feeling.

You’re scrolling through a job posting that seems perfect, your finger hovering over the “apply” button.

Suddenly, a voice whispers in your ear, “Are you sure this is the right fit?”

Or maybe you’re about to blurt out your opinion in a heated discussion, but a tiny voice pipes up, “Hold on, is this really the best way to approach this?”

These, my friends, are your hesitations, and instead of seeing them as pesky roadblocks, it’s time to celebrate them as your unsung heroes on the path to great decisions.

Think of your brain as a bustling marketplace.

Information floods in from all directions — tempting job offers, juicy gossip, hot-button topics.

Your hesitations are like the seasoned inspectors, meticulously examining each item before it enters your decision-making cart.

They sniff out potential pitfalls, question the quality, and ensure you’re not buying into something that might leave you with buyer’s remorse later.

Let me tell you a story.

Fresh out of college, I landed an interview for my dream job — a high-powered marketing position at a fast-paced firm.

The salary was dazzling, the office swanky, and everyone seemed to be on a power trip.

In the throes of excitement, I almost accepted on the spot.

But then, a hesitation flickered.

The interview process had felt oddly impersonal, and the work culture seemed focused on ruthless competition rather than collaboration.

Thankfully, I listened to that little voice.

I politely declined the offer, opting for a smaller company with a more genuine atmosphere.

Looking back, it was the best decision I could have made.

My current job allows me to grow, fosters teamwork, and doesn’t require me to sacrifice my sanity for a paycheck.

Here’s the thing: hesitations aren’t signs of weakness or indecisiveness.

They’re a sign of critical thinking.

They urge you to slow down, consider all angles, and avoid impulsive leaps that might lead you astray.

Don’t silence them; embrace them.

Use them as a springboard for further exploration.

Ask yourself questions.

Research the situation.

Talk to trusted advisors.

By giving your hesitations their due time, you’ll be armed with a clearer picture and the confidence to make a decision you won’t regret.

Of course, there’s a healthy balance to be struck.

Sometimes, chronic hesitation can morph into paralysis by analysis.

Learn to recognize the difference between a genuine concern and a case of overthinking.

If a tiny voice is whispering endlessly about a minor detail, it might be time to trust your gut and take the plunge.

So, the next time you feel a hesitation arise, don’t swat it away.

Thank it!

It’s just your internal compass, gently nudging you toward the path of a well-considered, fulfilling decision.

After all, a little healthy doubt can save you from a world of regret.

Now go forth, conquer that decision-making marketplace, and remember, your hesitations are there to cheer you on!



The Human Project
Wake. Write. Win.

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