Why YOU Should Do Boxing

Fabian. A. A
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
7 min readMay 12, 2024

You read that right. I’m not talking about the physical things like “oh so you can defend yourself” no, I’m talking about the mentality, the spiritual things what I see and what I learn from it. Just remember that by doing boxing alone wouldn’t solve all your problems, maybe 10 to 20%. Here is why you should do boxing.

What is boxing? Is it just a couple of men in a pit doing something barbaric where the viewers threw money at them and they fight? Or is it an art chess — like battle with particular science? By literal definition Boxing or Pugilism is a combat sport in which two people throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time. I’m not making this up, the first one was said by one of the best boxers that ever laced a gloves Sugar Ray Robinson, and the later is from a book called “The Sweet Science” by A.J Liebling. Whatever your answer is; It’s more than that.

Muhammad Ali praying

Boxing is about life lessons, dedication, discipline, tough love, love — hate relationship, luck, hobby, and etc.

I know you would love to be a champion, a boxing star maybe like Manny Pacquiao or Floyd Mayweather. But would you love for what it takes? Training, getting beat up real bad in sparring, getting CTE, getting yelled at by your coach for small to absolutely no reason? I assure you, no. You hate all that.

Can you dedicate your life to be discipline? Yes, you can. Would you? Depends on how you answer it, and I’m not even mentioning the risk of failing (in context of turning pro) like being a tomato can, or die trying, like literally died in or after from the ring.

Here’s why you should do Boxing

Muhammad Ali defeated Sonny Liston

1. Life Lessons

As I said before Boxing about life lessons, or even the reflection of life itself. You would learn something that I cannot explain in words. Here’s what I learn from Boxing;

1.1 The World Is Tough But You Should Be TOUGHER

You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. — Rocky Balboa

Life, reality, and the world is all cold and tough. Just imagine life as your opponent, he is an absolute machine that can’t be knocked out and hard as a rock not only that but also swarming to the point you are pressured, and sometimes it’s your turn to take what he gave. Hurt isn’t it? Before all this scenario we supposed to prepare ourselves, toughen up, and training while waiting for his surprise.

1.2 The Rules IS Life

“Boxing is an imitation of life. You get knocked down and you get back up. You don’t quit no matter how dark it gets, or whatever adversity passes your way. You just got to keep biting down and fighting, coming up the other side and not quitting, no matter what.” — Caleb Plant

The game is not finished when you are knocked down, the game is finished when you are stay down, surrender (throwing the towel), and when you can’t take more beating. That’s life for you! It’s not finished when you are failed, it’s finished when you’re died, give up committing suicide, and when you die trying. We should stand strong, keep our head and hands up, and give them everything! Going to the distance until the ring of the bell!

Hajime No Ippo

1.3 Unfairness In Life

“Boxing is the only sport you can get your brain shook, your money took and your name in the undertaker book.” — Joe Frazier

Boxing is the most corrupt sport in the world from the Mafia era in which the match is rigged until current era where subjective system of scoring still relevant. Worse, lack of public understanding of the sport make it easy for corruptive practices to reign unchallenged and undefeated. I’m not even done bringing nasty and dirty tricks brought by degenerates like low blow and illegal hit to the back of the head that can cripple you for the rest of your life. Just like life itself it’s full of unfairness, not everyone get it. Nobody cares to understand another.

1.4 Versus Adversity

“Fights are won by fighting, not running.” — Julio Cesar Chavez Sr

You can take it literally. But the way i see it, it’s more than that. Problems is to be faced, knock it down (solve) if possible. If not just fight and face but never run or duck it. Just like boxers, they comeback better and stronger. No excuses, no running, nothing! Fight it.

Apollo reminding Rocky

1.5 Luck Maker And Luck Seeker

“Everything that happens in a fight is the same as what happens in life.” — Caleb Plant

Just like in boxing, we all need miracles and luck. We have both bad luck and good luck, we can’t see them and it hit as hurt as the punch we don’t expect. Buster Douglas is lucky to defeated Mike Tyson. Don’t get me wrong, Douglas is a solid fighter but he’s not as skilled as Mike Tyson, it just happen Tyson wasn’t training before fight, and Douglas morale to train and win increased to the rooftop after promised to win against Mike Tyson to his late mother. Douglas made his luck by training. Unlucky worker is not richer than lucky lottery winner.

Buster Douglas defeated Iron Mike Tyson

For now that’s all life lessons I learned that I can give to you.

2. Inner Peace

Believe me. The world vibe is different in and out of the ring. This world is revolve around you and what is in front of you for a bit. When I hit and get hit I feel something maybe young aggression? It’s exciting and therapeutic a little bit. 10% or so of your worries is gone. Personally I think men especially young ones should not go to Yoga and do Boxing instead, no disrespect but it’s just me.

Hajime No Ippo

3. It’s Improving Your Mentality

Boxing, the sport itself never lies to you. What I mean is; you can fake your laugh, your joy, your sadness, or even your cry. But pain? It’s real. You can’t fake your pain. It’s the most real feelings you have. It taught your mentality to be real, not to tell a lie and kid yourself. Not only that it also push your limit either sprint or marathon way. You will have tough mentality and ready to rock any sh*t the world throws at you. Bring it on! You know what they said; it’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Better to capable to be safe and dangerous than always to be harmless.

Mike Tyson

4. It Humbles You

You are not that tough before getting a lights out in the ring. It does improves your mentality to be more capable in viciousness but it’s also taught you to always be humble and never underestimate anything. You are not as tough as you are, you haven’t eat a real hit, never took a right hook.

“You never got me down Ray!” Jake LaMotta

5. A Way To Find Yourself

You don’t really know yourself if you never been in a fight, I mean like closest to real fight (not street fight) getting hit by someone who know to hit you, again and again and again. Find your potential find yourself. The adrenaline rush and nervousness is how your body going to force you to be honest to yourself. Are you a coward or a hero? Both of them have same feelings, both afraid but the reactions and things that hero did make him a hero, and coward didn’t do that.

Muhammad Ali

Personal Experience

I’m not going to proclaim myself as a boxer because I haven’t participate in any competition yet, it would be a disrespectful brag. But I’m sure as hell a fighter, I fighting a lot of fights for free until I die. I’m proudly proclaim as a fighter because of this. I’m new to Boxing, I just in it for maybe five to six months. Plenty of improvements but still not enough, we should give beyond the best, out of the limit, and break the boundary. I’m tough but not skilled enough, I can take many hits and give enough, I will work on that. I been knocked out cold twice! First uppercut to the jaw, second right hook to the chin. Do I quit? No I can’t quit. I’m fighter at heart, inside and out of the ring. I come for hell of a fight not winning, sure I want to be world champion but what I want more is to knock out many top contenders and champs as much as possible. My training is not consistent enough because of personal things. I would make my comeback.

All I mention above is purely what I learn, and I believe it’s for everyone.


Train, fight, peace. Repeat. Do it and you would thank me later. 3 months surviving the training and you can beat 20% of your issues.



Fabian. A. A
Wake. Write. Win.

Imperator, Luck Seeker, Pragmatist. Fabian aspires to be a novelist, he loves writing and bring soul to each words. Sensitive dude, the toughest of all time.