Your Experiences Are Not Unique

And That’s The Beauty of it All

Wake. Write. Win.
2 min readMay 2, 2024


Like me, 2.7 billion people worldwide can swim.

Like me, 700 million people worldwide can play the guitar.

Like me, 70 million people worldwide stutter.

Like me, everyone has experienced the loss of a loved one.

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

It Is Not Our Experiences That Make Us Unique

It is what we learn from those experiences that makes us unique.

Two children in a rural setting watch their dad every night get drunk and beat his wife.

One might learn that is the norm and continue the cycle.

The other might never touch a drop of alcohol again and break free through self-education.

And then there is the infinite spectrum of people in between.

Perception is What Makes You Stand Out

Everyone's brain works differently. That's what makes you unique.

And that’s the beauty of it all.

Even with shared experiences, the human brain is a magnificent tinkerer, a sculptor of our own realities.

Photo by Mathilda Khoo on Unsplash

The way we interpret, the way we learn, the way we choose to react — these are the invisible brushstrokes that paint our unique portraits.

We are not simply products of our past. We are the artists who wield the paintbrushes of our own experiences, forever adding new colors and textures to the ever-evolving masterpiece that is ourselves.



Wake. Write. Win.

Society has taken away your curiosity. Helping you develop the skill to think for yourself.