LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection is Here!

Reference Staff
Published in
6 min readSep 13, 2022
A woman in a gray suit with a black shirt leans against a white column. She is reading something on a tablet.

Have you been itching to get eBooks from the Washington State Law Library? Well, wait no more! We are excited to announce that registered library users now have the ability to read electronic copies of the Washington State Bar Association deskbooks and other Lexis titles through the LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection. From probate to real estate, insurance to workers compensation, procedural issues, and more — there is something for all of your legal needs right at your fingertips!

To check out eBooks you simply need to be registered in our system with a Washington mailing address and know your account user name and password. You can register for an account here. If you already have an account you can recover your user name or reset your password here. A librarian is available to assist with setting up an account or resetting a password during library hours at 360–357–2136 or library.requests@courts.wa.gov. Appellate court staff do not need to check out eBooks but they will need their library account information in order to read books online.

A screenshot of the library online catalog is shown. The catalog links for registering for an account and resetting a password are circled in red.
You can register for an account or recover your user name/reset your password through our online catalog.

Finding eBooks, Checking Out, and Placing Holds

Lexis eBooks can be checked out and accessed through an Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge) or on a device with the LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection app. Once you navigate to the Digital Library at https://lexisdl.com/welcome/login/walawlibrary/ or open the app, you may need to enter a library code before signing in with your user name and password. Our library code is WALAWLIBRARY.

There are several ways to discover eBooks in our collection.

1. You can review our list of Lexis eBooks here.

2. In our online catalog, click on the Read the eBook — Library Account required link in the catalog record for available titles.

3. Click on Browse Library on the Digital Library home page to find titles and multi-volume sets.

4. Search by title, author, or practice area in the search box at the top of the Digital Library home page.

A screenshot of the online catalog record for the Washington Construction Law Deskbook is shown. A red arrow points to the “Read the eBook — Library Account required” link.
You will find links to available eBooks in our online catalog.

Once you find a book or volume that you would like to check out, click on READ underneath the title. You can choose a loan period of 7, 14, or 21 days from the dropdown menu. Then click on BORROW. The book will be available for streaming or download to your account and can be found in the My books section of the Digital Library. The loan will automatically expire after the period you selected without any action on your part. We do encourage returning your books early if you are done so other library users can use the book. To return a book early, simply click the clock icon below the title in My books and choose RETURN.

A screenshot of a library user’s Digital Library home page is shown. A red rectangle and arrow bring attention to the left side menu that lists the “Home,” “Browse library,” “My books,” “My annotations,” “Export queue,” and “My tags” features.
Look to the left side of your personal Home page to see all Digital Library titles (Browse library), to find volumes you have checked out currently and in the past (My books), and to find your annotations, export queue, and tags.

If a title is checked out to another library user, you will see an option to place a hold below the title. Click PLACE HOLD and fill in your email address. You will be notified when the title is available to borrow.

Reading and Navigating Your eBook

Go to My books and click READ under the title you would like to read. Turn pages by clicking on the right or left side of the page or use the right/left arrow keys to go forward and backward. Click on blue links in the text to navigate between chapter tables of contents and specific sections. Click on the Navigation tool at the bottom to quickly move from section to section or to pages in between. To save your place in the book, click on the bookmark icon at the top right of the page. The Table of contents is always just a click away on the toolbar at the bottom of the page. You can search the book for specific text by clicking on Find on the lower toolbar.

A screenshot of the lower toolbar on an eBook page display is shown. The lower toolbar lists the “Print,” “Table of contents,” “Find,” “Navigation,” “Annotations,” “Highlight,” and “Settings” features from left to right.
When reading a book, the lower tool bar is where you go to navigate (green Navigation button), print the section, find the Table of Contents, search the book, highlight and annotate passages, and change settings.
A screenshot of the navigation bar window is shown. There are vertical marks underneath the bar showing sections and pages in the eBook. A left arrow with the text “Previous” is on the left side of the navigation bar. Text reading, “§1.3 Overview of the Project Structure” is in the middle of the bar. And a right arrow with the text “Next” is on the right side of the navigation bar.
When you click on the green Navigation button a window pops up. Here you can jump to other sections or pages.

Frequently used eBook features can be found by clicking on the three-line menu button at the top right of the page display. From this menu you can quickly access bookmarks, keyboard commands, your Digital Library settings, and other features, as well as print the section you are reading.

A screenshot of the page display in an eBook is shown. A red rectangle and arrow draw attention to the bookmark icon and three-line menu at the top right. The middle of the page display lists the features you can access from the menu. The text reads “Keyboard commands,” “1 Page per screen,” “Bookmarks,” “Settings,” “Print,” “History,” and “Close book” from top to bottom.
When reading a book, find frequently used eBook features by clicking the three-line menu button at the top right. To the left of the menu button is the bookmark button.

Highlight, Annotate, and Export

Make note of your important research by taking advantage of the highlighting and annotations features of the LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection. Choose a highlight color by clicking Highlight on the lower toolbar. Then click and drag on the text you want to highlight. You will have the option of adding a note, as well as copying the text or a passage link for easy navigation back to the text in the future.

A screenshot of an eBook page display is shown. Red markings emphasize the highlighting and annotation features. The middle section of the screenshot shows the highlight text and the note as it was typed in by the library user. The bottom portion of the screenshot shows the lower toolbar with a red arrow directing attention to the “Annotations” feature.
Highlight passages using the Highlight feature on the lower toolbar. Add a note if you like. Find all of your highlights and annotations by clicking on the Annotations tool.

See and print your annotations in the book you are reading by clicking on Annotations in the lower toolbar. You can also see all of your annotations from all the titles you have borrowed by clicking on My annotations on your home page. You can export individual or all annotations from a title in My annotations by selecting annotations and clicking the ACTIONS dropdown menu and choosing Add to export queue. When you are ready to export your annotations, click on Export queue on your home page, select which annotations to export and choose Export. You can export to Google Drive, as a PDF, or as a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet.

A screenshot of the “My annotations” eBook feature is shown. Annotations are listed down the page and a red arrow emphasizes the “Add to export queue” command in a black box under the “Actions” dropdown menu.
To export annotations, go to My annotations from your Home page. Select annotations to export and click on the Actions dropdown menu and choose Add to export queue. You can find your Export queue on the left side of your Home page.

More Features!

As if this wasn’t enough, there are a few more features you may find useful in the LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection. When reading a book find the Settings tool in the lower toolbar. Here you can choose your preferred lighting, font type and size, column layout, line spacing, and other preferences. You can print the section you are reading from the lower toolbar as well.

You can also organize volumes you have checked out by adding personalized tags to them. You can create a new tag by clicking the three-dot menu to the right of any title in My books and typing your preferred tag in the Add new tag field. Tags can also be added at a volume’s main information page. Find your titles organized by tag in the My tags section of the home page.

A screenshot of a library user’s “My books” page is shown. Two books are listed on the page. A red arrow emphasizes the “Add new tag” field in a black box at the bottom right of the page.
Add tags to your favorite or important volumes from the My books page. Click on the three-dot menu for the title and type in the name of your new tag in the Add new tag field.

The great thing about the LexisNexis Digital Library eBook Collection is that your annotations, tags, and settings are all associated with your individual account and are saved even after you have returned your books. You don’t lose all that valuable research between uses!

Library users are able to borrow up to three individual volumes from the LexisNexis Library eBook Collection at any given time for either 7, 14, or 21 days (you choose!). Unfortunately, entire sets are not available for check out. Head over to our catalog and get registered to start checking out eBooks today! (SC)

