The Middle

Somewhere between here and there

the Sam S. Lee
Random Thoughts


Often the things that we seek for legitimacy backfire, even when- especially when- obtained; ultimately our sand castles wind up delegitimizing us. Goals that are reached seem shallow. Warning: hurdles leaped appear smaller in the rearview mirror. As the lesson goes, it turns out there are very few things our self-worth should actually be rooted in. But that doesn’t keep us from trying, again and again. The tale of Sisyphus is an autobiography of mankind.

We laugh. We love. We cry. We live. And this, only if we are lucky.

These are the building blocks of human existence.

In a million years, will these words remain as an artifact of a life once lived? A relic of a primitive era?

The world and its inhabitants in 2014 may appear basic and backwards relative to whatever present reality unfurls itself. But the search for meaning will link us dear reader. For we are on the same journey.

Fare thee well.



the Sam S. Lee
Random Thoughts

I think; therefore, I blog. Masher of ideas & words. Bleed Rutgers Scarlet & Harvard Crimson. Do I dare disturb the universe?